Dec 31, 2008 02:28
Pullman is safe and easy. I get the system and I know what I'm doing. It's paid for and it doesn't rock the boat at all. Most importantly, it has the exact combination of majors I need to go into the field I'm planning on going into.
On the other hand.....I hate most of the people who go there. They have completely different values than me, and I don't like myself when I'm there. I get bitter, lazy, boring and self-absorbed. There is nothing to do that interests me EXCEPT work on my classes, and what kind of college experience is that? I have another 2 years ahead of me pending not failing or dropping anything.
I can either have a radical perspective shift and just keep plugging on and getting as much done as soon as possible and try to make my situation better by being friendlier, more active and more involved in hobbies I enjoy.
OR I can transfer out, scramble all my credits and confuse the hell out of my parents while trying to make a better life somewhere else that may or may not fix the problem