College life at Wright State!

Sep 09, 2008 22:16

I'm finally here! I finally have a dorm, I have classes! I have completed my first homework assignment! Yay!!!!!

Everyday I have either Ballet or Jazz at 8:30 in the morning. Our professor, Erin, is really cool, but I have to wear leotards, tights and ballet shoes/ jazz shoes everyday. That sucks, because I don't think someone with my stature looks attractive in leotards for one, and I only have one. So this friday the dance shoppe is coming to the school and I'm going to pay serious money to get three or four leotards that support me well, as well as some ballet shoes and tights. Yay.

As I suspected, I am one of three black girls in the Acting/Musical Theatre program in my year and I don't feel wanted by everyone else (students). More so, I feel I am being compared to one of the black girls who the white students relate to more. It feels like high school again. Oh well. I'll get used to it.

There are only 7 Acting majors while there are 21 Musical Theatre majors. It's a little odd, but I guess that means we stick together.

My dorm is in what is called "The Woods" AKA "The Hood." At night, some people stay outside and smoke weed and drink, lol.

The food is very expensive. I'm going to try very hard to be healthy, but it costs more to get a salad with my pizza, ya know? But I am planning on exercising regularly, along with my dance everyday. I DO NOT WANT THE FRESHMAN 15!!!!!!!!

There are many saving graces through. My roomate Latashia, is a friend from career center, and we are so alike it's scary. We stick together, and I'm glad I have a friend to transition with. We have stupid inside jokes, and there's this boy I'm interested in, and she says he's gay.....we are just too hilarious. (Right now she's doing her homework and talking to herself, and I don't question it at all.)

And I am enjoying my classes so far. They broke the class of 12 into 2 groups, so I'm with the same people almost all the time, and that may get annoying real fast. I mean, I don't even get to meet other THEATRE people in my grade, much less in the university. Also, in the student directing lab, I have been offered a chance to audition for a role. I'm very excited about that. Hopefully I'll produce habits that will be for my benefit these next four years.

acting, wright state, college, school

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