So im going to be flying tomorrow to NYC, why? TRL. Its still undetermined if im going to be there or not due to my work plans, but I hope I can. Though, I swear if Carson touches me, im going to bite his head off.
After new york, its back to europe, why? Europe awards. Then afterwards its back to New York, then LA for rest, and then back to new york. As you can see..I am going to be extremly busy. My record comes out November 26th so go check it out if you can *smiles*. Joshua wont be with me this week or next week, possibly he will be with me, on my CD release..I really hope so, because I love him and I will miss him so much. Berts coming with me or should I say Bart? *Snickers @ Mena* Joshua gets bothered by that..How I have to pose with someone else as a cover up on my lovelife. People keep trying to dig up information, so I asked Bert to pose as my boyfriend, and he did. So the world thinks Bert & I are together.
Speak of Girlfriends..I just want to rant about Tara Reid...Shes always up on Josh and its really starting to get on my last nerve. I know their just 'friends' but it irks me, it really irks me. Why? Because rumor has it she has a crush on him, and I dont like it, at all. I am jealous, I know I am, im jealous off my fucking ass, and I dont care. And today when I was lurking at some websites, I saw this:
(Click.). k I dont know what planet she lives on, but take your hands off him k? I dont care how scary or possesive I sound, he is my boyfriend and I love him and I am not letting anyone take him away from me. He and I have a special relationship and I am not letting some ruin that for me. Though, I trust him enough to not fall for someone, but im scared I really am..Im terrified. And I hate the feeling..I just honestly wish she wouldnt cling onto him for dear life.
I love you, Josh.
Rant done.