...I wish more people would rid themselves of that irritating LiveJournal navigation strip. In addition to its being an attempt to rip off the functionality of Blogger, it is astoundingly ugly. Not to mention pointless. Removing it takes two mouse clicks. Granted, they keep moving the controls, and hiding them to boot, but! Be proactive, LJ users! Get rid of the uglyass thing! If for no reason other than that the LiveJournal admin are trying to force you to use it by turning it on by default! Hint: This week, they've got the remove button under Manage >> Viewing Options.
Er. If I was a Harry Potter fan, I would think seriously about the term "Death Eater," and what Voldemort would be expecting from the Death Eaters while under contract with them. There was an actual office of the medieval Church which was referred to as the "Sin Eater," and the job description included eating bread and/or salt (usually) off the body of a dying wealthy person, and taking onto oneself the dying wealthy person's mortal sins, thus allowing the dying wealthy person access to Heaven which he had not earned and condemning the Sin Eater's soul (because we all know Heaven doesn't really check references) (also the Wikipedia is totally
lying about it not being a part of the Church; it was punishable by excommunication if they caught you) (this was mostly due to the fact that, if you were paying a Sin Eater to absolve you, you were not paying a priest to sell you dispensations) (I'm sure if they could've thought of a way to horn in on the profits, the Church would've suddenly discovered some brilliant scriptures which totally sanctioned Sin Eating, although maybe not in, you know, so many words). Anyway. So. If I was a fan who is thinking about the Death Eaters, and what Voldemort is expecting of them, I would also think about whose blood Voldemort used to resurrect himself, and thus for whom the Death Eaters might actually be performing their service when the time comes. The blood is the life, as they used to say back in the days when Christians were still the persecutees.
I couldn't make it through Harry Potter and the Long Boring Snog of Defeat, speaking of persecution. I'm waiting to finish it until the last one is published, which I hope will be the year 3011.
Anyway. The Code Ass scanlations have been taken down, it seems. Initially, I was planning to work on them, but then I had to politely (I sure hope it came off as politely, anyway) decline due to creative differences with the co-ordinating editor. Also, I'm probably not around enough online to be really helpful with large-scale scanlation projects. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the re-release! Kittypants, ho!
Lastly, House: I like the new season! Two episodes in, and not an irritating butch ex-girlfriend to be had! It's also continuing one of my favorite trends from season two, which is: Characterizing Wilson as an impressive, complete asshole in his own right. I love that. Last year, he got himself a whole story arc which was devoted entirely to the ways in which he emotionally manipulates everyone around him by using his own capacity for empathy against them (i.e. "I genuinely feel for you, and your stubbornness is hurting me. Wouldn't it be better to do what I want and alleviate my pain?"). Awesome! Doctors are totally like that! Not to mention regular garden-variety men. Plus, I like fictional manipulative assholes. The real ones are a different story. Usually a yaoi story. Not that I'm suggesting anything.
Anyway. I'm leaving later in the week (a non-childcare- or wedding-related vacation woohoohooo!!) -- probably Friday -- and I won't be back for at least a week. I am, however, reviewing The Phantom of the Opera before I go. Because if there's one thing the American people demand, it's access to my review of The Phantom of the Opera. I'm Emily, and I approved this message.
OOOPS ALMOST FORGOT TRC 128: Fay's still asleep. (Where did Kurogane put him in those last few panels? On the ground? Did he hand him to one of the X/1999 characters? "Hang on, I gotta be an inspiring Otou-san for a minute, could you hold my uke for me? Careful, I just glued him back together.") Sakura is Being Brave. The frontispiece features the Mokona(s?) weeping stolidly into one another's mirrored forms. Wake me up when September ends.