life at the moment is a bit too insane for me to deal with. I haven't any friends, well at least close ones. My living situation is entirely up in the air. I was living in a house but my room mate left and I can't afford to live their on my own for another month and I have too much stuff for an apartment as well as I need my stuff because it is what I do, the whole photography studio/darkroom kind of thing. So at the moment I am going to be living with this girl and her crazy mother for 250/mo with use of the garage for a darkroom, possibly. The house itself is nice but the surrounding area is total shit, I am fairly certain some one is going to break into the house and steal my cameras and stuff which I will never be able to get back. And my grandmother who lives a million miles away about three hours north of me said that I can store some of my stuff there, which is nice but I can't work if i don't have access to my things. So either way I am fucked. All I ever wanted was just a place to work, a place to sleep, a place to eat, and maybe a shower would be nice too. Why is it so expensive to have such a place, even if I worked full time I would barely be able to afford my own place and would never be able to save any money, ever. Not to mention that I would never have any time for my own work and I would always be too tired to work on anything anyhow. So yay for that, real life sucks and I don't see how i will ever get any better, in fact I just assume that it will get a whole hell of a lot worse. But I suppose it is that way for everybody and i shouldn't complain. I don;t know how people can tolerate life, it certainly doesn't tolerate me.
So that is how it goes, I am not happy and I don't see myself being happy for a very very long time.
Aside from the miserable little bit, I have been busy and did a photo shoot with my ex-girlfriend of five years ago. It was very fun and I have seen her in such a long time. I still like her of course. I also have a shoot coming up this friday with a new girl. I am nervous bu excited, I really need to get more girls to photograph.
pics and stuff-