No pets, No children, No central heating.

Sep 03, 2010 17:07

So I've been living in my new flat for about a week now. It's pretty good. I'm less bummed out about getting the smaller room now I've got all my stuff in here. It's quite cosy. I bought a bookcase from a second hand furniture shop and lifted it onto the desk to increase storage space and also one of those over-door hanger things to make up for ( Read more... )

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hokeysmoke September 3 2010, 20:25:00 UTC
Ah, YOU won't repost any of this blather to Facebook, Twatter or whatever, but what about the GIANT ANTS?

Congrats on the cosiness of your new living space. I LOL'd at your description of it as "the biggest slide-puzzle ever". I lived in one of those, once. Never want to do so again.


tired_spirit September 3 2010, 20:37:53 UTC
Ah, YOU won't repost any of this blather to Facebook, Twatter or whatever, but what about the GIANT ANTS?

I can't see him reposting blather to the giant ants either. He doesn't seem the sort.


hokeysmoke September 3 2010, 20:46:27 UTC
The giant ants may not have the same scruples. They may post this stuff any and everywhere.

BTW, long time, no see. How've you been?


tired_spirit September 4 2010, 14:06:32 UTC
If we get to the stage where the giant ants have access to these things to re-post them then I don't think that it'll be a bit late to be worrying about it.

Um... not great. In some respects I'm getting better in others I'm not.

And your good self?


hokeysmoke September 4 2010, 14:47:55 UTC
Well, except for the threat of the giant ants gaining access to such technologies, I'd say I'm about the same as ever.

In other words, in some respects I'm getting better, etc.

And yet life marches on.


tired_spirit September 4 2010, 15:36:54 UTC
Ah yes, life, like an army of giant ants, marches on to your inevitable death.

In general I have found life to be less full of formic acid but that may not be the same for everyone.


hokeysmoke September 4 2010, 15:38:09 UTC
Apparently you live in an area free of Fire Ants. :/


tired_spirit September 4 2010, 16:11:47 UTC
Apparently so. Woo! Another reason to enjoy living in York! Huzzah! \o/


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