No pets, No children, No central heating.

Sep 03, 2010 17:07

So I've been living in my new flat for about a week now. It's pretty good. I'm less bummed out about getting the smaller room now I've got all my stuff in here. It's quite cosy. I bought a bookcase from a second hand furniture shop and lifted it onto the desk to increase storage space and also one of those over-door hanger things to make up for not having a wardrobe or any hooks in here. It's like the biggest slide-puzzle ever. I would show pictures but my camera doesn't like my laptop and frankly I can't be bothered trying to get them to play nice together.

I'm still a little bit bummed out about not having a large window, but I have discovered there are plenty of noises here. Apparently the disused railway line behind the building isn't disused after all and every morning at 10.09 a freight train hisses and rumbles past for 5 minutes. There is also a scrapyard (or non-ferrous metal recycling centre) on the other side of the railway so I get the occasional metallic rustle of scrap. More pleasantly, however, there is a church nearby with a clocktower that chimes out the hour. The neighbours are relatively quiet, despite this neighbourhood being the kind where people lean out their windows and shout conversations at each other. My flatmate Chris is okay to live with, too. He mostly keeps himself to himself playing World of Warcraft in his room. We've got broadband sorted but it occasionally hiccups, at which point I hear him swearing vitriolically at the computer.

Also today I received the first cold-call on the phone line trying to get me to consolidate all my debts. How did they get the number? I haven't even told my mam it. It was really creepy, too. A synthesised robot human voice immediately says 'DO NOT HANG UP. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION BROADCAST. THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT. PLEASE LISTEN CLOSELY TO THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE. DO YOU HAVE DEBT PROBLEMS? YOU CAN NOW CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR OUTGOING PAYM-" at which point I hung up. It did have me worried at first, it's not every day an emotionless robot commands you to listen carefully to a public service announcement. Until it started chuntering on about debt I full expected it to say something like "GIANT ANTS HAVE TAKEN OVER THE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR HOMES UNTIL THE GIANT ANT MENACE HAS BEEN NEUTRALISED. DO NOT BE ALARMED BY ANY EXPLOSIONS YOU MAY HEAR, THE RAF HAS CALLED IN AN AIR STRIKE ON THEIR QUEEN. REMAIN IN YOUR HOMES. CLOSE ANY WINDOWS. LIE ON THE FLOOR WITH A PAPER BAG OVER YOUR HEAD. DO NOT - REPEAT - DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR TO ANYONE WITH MORE THAN TWO LEGS".

Yeah. Will try and update more often. I know I say this a lot but you know. Oh, also, the whole OMG REPOST drama thing that has his LJ - I hereby promise not to repost any of your shit anywhere on the Internet. Facebook, Twitter, Whatever. Scout's Honour.
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