Англо-фракийско-русский словарь (окончание)

May 29, 2013 19:50

R (2)

  1. raimas: ‘motley’ [Lith. ráimas ‘motley, particoloured’].


  1. raka(s): ‘eroded place, a gully’ [Lith. ràkti ‘to burrow’].

Место эрозии, овраг

  1. ramus: ‘quiet, calm’ [Lith. ramùs ‘quiet’, Old-Ind. rámate ‘to stay quiet, to rest’].

Тихий, спокойный

  1. raskus: ‘quick, agile, live’ [Old-HighGerman rasc ‘quick’, German rasch ‘the same’, Engl. rash].

быстрый, подвижный, живой "

  1. rera: ‘stones, stony ground’ (from an earlier *lera) [Alb. lerë, -a ‘stones, fallen stones’].

Камень, каменистая земля

  1. r zas (resas): ‘king’ [Latin rex ‘king’, Old-Ind. raj- ‘the same’].


  1. ring- (rink-): ‘quick, skillful’ [Old-HighGerman (ge)-ringi ‘light’, Middle-German ge-ringi ‘light. quick’, Greek rhimpha ‘quickly, skillfully’].

Быстрый, умелый

  1. rudas: ‘red, reddish’ [Lith. RN Rùd-up , adj. rùdas ‘(red-) brown, reddish’, Latv. ruds ‘reddish’].

Красный, красноватый

  1. rumba(s): ‘edge; rapids’ [Lith. ru bas ‘periphery’, Latv. ru ba ‘waterfall, rapids’].

Край, порог

  1. r s-a (-as, -is): ‘a pit’ or rus- ‘slowly flowing’ [Old-Pruss. PN Russe (a village and a swamp), Lith. r s s (and rúsas) ‘potatoe’s pit; hut’, Latv. r sa ‘pit; or the Litv. rus 'ti ‘to flow slowly’].

Яма или «медленно текущий»

S (2)

  1. sabazias: ‘free’ [Old-Bulg. svobod ‘free’].


  1. saldas (instead of *zaldas): ‘golden’ [Old-Bulg. zlato (from the Proto-Slavic *z lt ) ‘gold (noun)’ , New-Bulg. zlato ‘gold’, zlaten ‘golden’].


  1. sara: ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sar ' ‘river, stream’].

Текущий, поток

  1. sartas: ‘light-red’ [Lith. sa tas ‘light-red (for horses)’, Latv. sarts ‘red’].


  1. satras (satrus): ‘live, quick, agile’ (?) [Lith. atrùs ‘live, quick, agile, row’].

Живой, быстрый, проворный

  1. saut-is (-as): ‘lazy’ [Latv. sautis ‘lazy man, who sleeps all the time’].


  1. sei(e)tuva: ‘deep place in the river’ [Lith. sietuvà ‘deep place in the river’].

Глубокое место в реке

  1. seina(s): ‘village, settlement’ [Armen. n, Gen. sini ‘village’, Greek Rhod. kroina ‘residence’].

Деревня, поселение

  1. s kas: ‘grass, greenery; hay’ [Lith. 'kas ‘recently mowed down grass’, Old-Ind. s' ka- ‘vegetable’].

Трава, зелень, сено

  1. sem(e)la (= zeml’a): ‘land, earth’ [Old-Bulg. zemlja, Russ. zemlja, Lith. zeme, Latv. zeme].


  1. serma, sermas: ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sárma-h ‘current’, Lith. RN Sérmas].

Текущий, поток

  1. siltas: ‘warm, pleasant’ [Lith. i tas ‘warm, pleasant’, Latv. sìlts ‘warm’, Cymr. clyd ‘warm, warming’].

Теплый, приятный

  1. sind(u)-: ‘river’ [Old-Ind. sindhu- ‘river’, Old-Pers. hindus ‘the same’].


  1. singas: ‘low land, depression’ [Goth. sigqan, Old-HighGerman sinkan, German sinken ‘to sink, to collapse’].


  1. skaivas: ‘left’ [Greek skaiós ‘left’, Latin scaevus ‘the same’].


  1. skalp-: ‘to beetle, to hit’ [Lith. ska bti (-biù, -bia ) ‘to beetle, to dolly (for laundry)’].

трамбовать, ударить

  1. skaplis: ‘axe’ [Lith. skãplis ‘axe’].


  1. skapt-: ‘to dig’ [Lith. skaptúoti ‘to cut, to carve (in wood)’, Greek skápto ‘to dig’].


  1. skaras (-is): ‘quick’ [Old-Bulg. skor , Russ. skor j ‘quick’, etc. (Proto-Slavic *skar )].


  1. skarsas: ‘transverse, slanting’ [the Greek en-kársios, epi-kársis ‘curved, bent, transverse’, Lith. ske sas ‘transverse, oblique].

Поперечный, косой

  1. skilas: ‘quick, impetuous’ [Lith. skìlti ‘set fire’ and ‘run mad’]

Быстрый, стремтельный

  1. skreta: ‘circle, circumference’ [Lith. skret ' ‘a (round) disk’, skrìt ‘circumference’].

Круг, окружность

  1. skumbr-as (or -is): ‘hill, mountain’ [Lith. kumbr s, ku bris ‘hillock, hill, mountain peak, small mountain’].

Холм, гора

  1. spinda(s): ‘clearing (in the forest)’ [Lith spiñdis ‘clearing in the forest’].

Поляна, очищенное место в лесу

  1. stra (from an earlier *strava): ‘current, torrent’ [Lith. sravà ‘current’, Latv. strava ‘current, torrent’].

Текущий, поток

  1. strambas: ‘stubble-field’ [Old-Pruss. strambo ‘stubble-field’, the Latv. strùobs ‘a spray, a stem, a straw’ ].


  1. strum , strum n: ‘current, river’ [Old-HighGerman stroum, German Strom ‘current’ river’, Lith. sraumuõ, -eñs ‘fast current’, sr ti (sr vù, dial. sr nù) ‘to fill with water’ and ‘to flow, to outflow the banks (for a river)’].

Текущий, тека (река Стримон)

  1. str na: ‘current, river’ [Lith. sriti ‘to fill with water, to outflow’].

Текущий, река

  1. stur(ia): ‘country, countryside’ [Old-Bulg strana (Proto-Slavic *st rn ) ‘country’, Bulg. pro-stor ‘expanse, space’].

Страна, сельская местность

  1. suchis, sukis, suku(s) (-os): ‘girl’, resp. ‘boy, juvenile’ [Cymr. hogen ‘girl’, hogyn ‘boy, lad’, Lith. s nùs ‘son’, Old-Bulg. s in ‘son’, etc.].


  1. suka: ‘a crack, a gorge, a pass’, [Lith. ùk ‘a gap, a crack’].

Трещины, ущелья, проходить

  1. sula: ‘groove’ [Greek h le ‘forest, groove’].


  1. sunka: ‘sap, fluid’ [Lith. sunkà ‘sap (of a tree); fluid’].

Живица, жидкость

  1. sura (zura): ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sir ' ‘current. stream’].

Текущий, поток

  1. suras: ‘strong, brave; a hero’ [Old-Ind. s 'ra-h ‘a hero, a warrior’, Avest. s 'ra- ‘brave, courageous; a hero’].

Сильный, храбрый, герой

  1. suras: ‘salty, bitter’ [Lith. s 'ras ‘salty’, Latv. s rs ‘salty, bitter, sour’].

Соленый, горький

  1. svit-: ‘to shine, to twinkle’ [Lith. vit 'ti ‘to shine, to twinkle’, Old-Bulg. sv teti sia) ‘to shine’].

Сиять, мерцать

T (5)

  1. tarpas, terpas: ‘a gap, a crack’ [Lith. tárpas, térp ‘an interstice, a crack’, Proto-Slavic *tarp ‘a pit, a ditch’].

Разрыв, трещина

  1. taru-: ‘spear’ [Greek dóry ‘tree’ and ‘spear’, Hett. ta-ru- ‘tree, trees’, Old-Ind. dáru- ‘tree’].


  1. thin-: ‘to hold, to carry’ [Latin tene , -ere ‘to hold’].

Держать, нести

  1. thurd-: ‘to crash, to collapse’ [Old-HighGerman sturzen, German stürzen ‘to overthrow, to fall’].


  1. tirsas: ‘thicket’ [Lith. ti tis ‘density, thickness’ and ‘thicket, brush-wood’, ti ti (ti tù) ‘to thicken’].


  1. titha: ‘light, radiance’ [Greek tit ' ‘morning glow; morning, day’, Alb. ditë ‘day’].

Свет, сияние

  1. tranas: ‘rotting’ [Lith. RN Tran s, tren 'ti ‘to rot, to decompose’].


  1. traus-: ‘to break, to crumble’ [Lith. trau ti ‘to break, to crumble’, tra us ‘brittle’, the Latv. trauss, trausls ‘brittle, fragile’, Old-Russ. troh ‘lazy; sad’].

Ломаться, крошиться

  1. tund- 1. ‘to push, to knock’; 2. ‘river’ [1. Latin tund , -ere ‘to push, to knock’, Old-Ind. tundat ‘to push’. 2. Old-Icel. þund ‘river’].

1.Толкать, стучать 2. Река (Тунджа)

  1. tuntas: ‘a flock, a flight; a heap’ [Lith. tuñtas ‘a flock, a flight; a heap, a pile’].

Стая, полет, куча

  1. turm-: ‘a run, a flight’ [Old-Ind. drámati ‘to run’, Greek drómos ‘a run’].

Бег, полет

U (2)

  1. udra(s): ‘otter’ [Old-Ind. udrá-h ‘water animal’, Avest. udra- ‘otter’, Greek hy’dros, Old-HighGerman ottar, Lith. údra, Bulg. vidra ‘otter’].


  1. udr nas: ‘water, aquatic’ [Greek hydrinós ‘referring to water, water’, án-ydros ‘waterless’].

Вода, водный

  1. kas: ‘mist; misty, turbid’ [Lith. kas ‘a mist; clouding; fume, vapour’, 'kanas ‘cloudy, turbid’].

Туман, туманный, мутный

  1. upa: ‘river’ [Lith. ùp ‘river’, Latv. upe ‘river, stream’].


  1. urda(s): ‘stream’ [Lith. urdul s ‘(mountain) stream, pool’, Latv. urdavi a ‘stream’].


  1. usku-: ‘water; aquatic, marshy’ [Old-Ir. u(i)sce ‘water’, Old-Cymr uisc, Irish esc ‘water, bog, swamp’].

Вода, водный, болотистый

  1. ut-: ‘water, river’ [Old-Ind. ud-án- ‘water’, Greek hydos ‘the same’].

Вода, река

V (2)

  1. vair-as (-us): ‘spinning’ [Lith. vairùs, vairas ‘spinning’, Swed. v rr ‘a spiral’].

Пряжа? Вращать?

  1. varpasas: ‘whirlpool’ [Latv. v rpats ‘whirlpool’, the Lith. varp ti (-pau, -piau) ‘to dig, to burrow’].

Горячий источник?

  1. veger- (resp. *veker-): ‘damp; to bedew’ or ‘haymowing’ [Dutch wak ‘damp’, Latv. vedzere etc.].

Влажный, обрызгивать

  1. veleka(s): ‘place for washing’ [Lith. vel kles ‘a place, used for washing’, vel 'ti ‘to wash (with a paddle)’].

Место для стирки

  1. ver-: ‘to spring, to issue’ [Lith. vírti (vérdu, viria ) ‘to boil, to bubble’, the Old-Bulg. v reti v rion ‘to spring, to boil’].

Весна? Выдавать?

  1. verza(s): ‘a barrier used for fishing; dam’ [Latv. varza ‘dam’].

Барьер для рыбалки, плотина

Z (4)

  1. zbel- (from an initial *zibel-): ‘shining; a thunderbolt, a lightning’ [Latv. zibele ‘shining’, zibelêt ‘to flash, to twinkle, to shine’].

Блестящий, удар молнии,
удар грома, молния

  1. zburul-: ‘light (noun); shining’ [Lith. ibur s ‘light’ (noun)’].

Свет, сияние

  1. zelmis: ‘an offspring, descendant’ [Lith. elmuõ, -eñs ‘plant’ and ‘an offspring’].

Потомство, потомок

  1. zenis, zen s: ‘born, born in’ [=genes in the Greek personal name of Dio=génes, from the IE *gen’- ‘to give birth’ in the Old-Latin geno ‘to produce, to give birth’].


  1. z ri- (from an earlier *zv ri-): ‘an animal, a beast’ [Lith. v ris ‘a beast’, Old-Bulg. zver ‘the same’, Greek th r].

Животное, зверь

  1. zi-: ‘god’ [shortened from ziu-, zia- and similar, Greek Zeus].


  1. zilas: ‘grey, turned grey’ or ‘blue’ [Lith. ìlas ‘grey-haired’, Latv. zils, zil ‘blue’].

Серый, поседевший или голубой

  1. zilma(s): ‘greenery’ [Latv. zelme ‘green grass or wheat’].


  1. zum-, zuml-: ‘dragon’ [Old-Bulg zm i ‘dragon’, zm ia ‘snake’].

Дракон, змей

  1. zvaka(s): ‘bright, white’ [Lith. vãk ‘light (noun)’].


фракийский язык, фракийцы

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