You know that story I've been working on for... oh, I don't know how long now. I've never been one to get hung up on a single idea... The songs I recorded on my first CD were mostly new, rather than rehashing material I'd been writing for years. My game ideas tend to appear and evolve quickly and with a lot of momentum, but I'm always ready for a new idea to push them aside. And of course, I often have ideas for new short stories or even novels... but this one - well, it just won't leave me alone. So I've done what any ultra-modern creative individual who is more interested in producing and sharing his creation than in trying to make a buck would do....
I started a
I'm posting a new scene or section of a chapter every week, and I've just gotten started. So feel free to check it out, comment, rate it, critique it... whatever you feel like doing with it. I just wanna share.