May 18, 2003 21:17
So, a couple of months ago, I read Gramarye’s terrific crossover fic, Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Light. In my review, I made a point of saying that you don’t need to have read the Dark is Rising series to enjoy this story. It’s wonderful, regardless. Not only hadn’t I read the series, I had never heard of it. How could that happen? I read as voraciously as a child (just ask my mother) as I do now, anything and everything I could get my hands on.
Anyway Gramarye, wrote back saying "Read the series. You won’t be sorry." So I ordered it. It arrived about a week ago. My friend saw it and swooned. Apparently they are her favourite books ever and she put first dibs on reading them after me. She went on and on about them. Soon after, was the Favourite Fictional Character meme on live journal and the Series was everywhere and raved about. I felt even more out of the loop, but I had them and I started them. Very excited.
Now, my point. The first book (Over Sea, Under Stone) is KILLING ME! It’s only 240 pages and I’m having a horrible time getting through it. Normally a book that size would take a day if that. It’s been a week. I’m on page 160. I’ve reread GoF, UL, Snitch and a James Patterson novel in between chapters of this book. I don’t like any of the characters; I don’t care about any of the characters. I don’t care if they find the treasure at the end of the map and the villains aren’t even interesting.
I keep reminding myself how much I disliked Part 1 of the Draco Trilogy, yet pushed through (took four attempts though) to parts 2 & 3. Hard to imagine now, as am obsessed with this story. Keep wondering if should have pushed further into LotR (have read Hobbit 8 times in preparation for each attempt), or Outlander (on sixth attempt), or the Dorothy Dunnett I keep trying.
Bottom line is I’m begging for reassurance. Please, please tell me it gets better than this. I don’t think I could stand another slog like this one. If it was longer I don’t think I would have bothered despite the raves.