Drachenfest IT report

Aug 01, 2012 23:17

Back from DF with a huge after-larp dip. For all who wants to know what my character has been busy with at DF, here is a 'short' report on it. As always with these recollections, don't use it IT, this is OT only.
Of course, much more than this has happened, but for now, this was wat kept my character really busy afterwards.

Altdorf, capitol of the Empire. A city with many faces. Faces of splendour, riches and glory. But also a hidden side, dark and gloomy. One neighbourhood in particular is breathing danger. Not a place guards are welcome, and they avoid it as well as possible. The shadows seem deep here, and can hold a lot of different surprises for those unfamiliar with the area. A hooded figure in a light grey coat moves, slowly but without hesitation. None disturb her path and some of the shadows even seem to grow when she walks by.

It doesn't take long before she comes to a building, just as shabby looking as any other in this area. For a moment she stops, and looks up at the building. Then she continues her path and without hesitation she walks into an alley. Seconds later, the alley is empty.

In a room appears the hooded figure, seemingly out of nowhere. Mists are surrounding her, slowly circling around her feet. The room is sparely furnished. A bed, a small desk and a simple chair are standing in the room, filling most of the space. A rug, its colours faded through time, lays on the floor. The mists quickly vaporize as the person moves towards one of the corners of the room. A tapestry hangs there, though the scenery is long since faded. She moves it aside, and places her fingers on the wall behind it. Slowly, and surprisingly quiet, the wall moves aside, revealing a hidden area. The person walks inside, lights a oil lamp and places it on the table in the middle of this room. Shadows fill the spacious wardrobe, but the light reveals rows upon rows of clothing. Dresses, some luxurious, some simple, robes, tunics, shoes, belts and jewelry fill up the room, which is at least twice the size of the bedroom.

Once the lamp is lit, the person throws back the hood of her coat, revealing her red, long hair. She takes of the coat and hangs it on a peg near the entrance of the hidden closet. She quickly grabs a simple dress, dark grey, and a linen white belt ornamented with green ivy and starts changing clothes. After she is dressed she grabs a comb and walks back towards the bedroom. When she passes the threshold of the wardrobe she taps once again on the wall and with the same silent movements it starts falling back in place again.

The woman puts a few blocks of wood in a small fireplace and lights it. The fire quickly starts driving away the moist cold that filled the room, replacing it with a warm glow. The woman sighs as she sits down on the chair and closes her eyes for a moment. Soon she would have to report to her patriarch, but not yet. She remembered when she had received the order to join the representatives of the Colleges of Mages to that other world. The dragons world. The patriarch of the grey order had handed her the order personally, a strange smile on his lips as if he already knew what would be awaiting her there. She had received her mission without a word, and the next day had left for the place where she would meet the other representatives. Of course she had had the info about them, and she had studied it. Their names and orders, she knew already and when she had arrived it had not been hard to find out which face belonged to which name. Phalar, the Amethyst mage, wearing black and purple, had been to the dragons world a couple of times already, while for the rest of them, this would be the first time. The others were just as easy to recognise. Aurelius, in his blazing golden mantle representing the Golden Order. Darius, wearing red and with a passion few could top, even in his own Bright Order. Hendrik, whom immediately made clear he preferred to be called Henk, was the Amber mage. Then there was Collin, of the Life College and shoeless to keep in touch with the earth they so treasured. Of course in shining white there was the mage of the Light order, Siegfried.

She had introduced herself as Vari, Magister of the Grey College. All but one were there. Only the representative of the Celestial Order arrived shortly after her, introducing himself as Bertram.

It didn't take long before they were summoned away from their world. Phalar had felt the pull from the Black Dragon and took them along with him.
Though Phalar had told what it would be like it still took Vari some time to adjust to the feeling. Her magic felt... strange was probably the best word to describe it. Like it was there, yet not. She knew she would not be able to preform the way she was used to. However, there was still magic flowing in the air, and she could feel it, and reach into it. After some practise Vari found she could still weave a couple of spells, though not as easy as at home and certainly not as powerful.

The group set up camp in the Black Camp, which represented the Black Dragon in this combat. The combat would be fought in many ways, it's outcome would determine which of the dragons would reign the others for the course of the year. There were more camps of course. All dragons had their own Camp which would fight in their name; Red, Green, Silver, Gold, Copper, Grey, Blue, Chaos and of course their own Black Dragon. Apart from that there were also some Camps who did not represent a Dragon, like the Orcs.

Vari opens her eyes again, and stands up from her chair. For a moment she stands still, a frown forming on her face. It had been a strange world indeed. She had seen the presentation of the Avatars of the dragons, and had immediately noticed the different greetings from them towards each other. The next days had seen many battles, between the different camps. Vari had not joined in those, with the exception of the battle fought in front of their own gate. Apparently, as they soon found out, it was hard to die on this world. Some sort of maze, called the Limbus, would sent the dead back into the world again.

Most of the Colleges Mages went and joined the Mage Guild of this world, trying to get a deeper understanding of the magic here. She had gone there once as well, but had decided against joining lessons for now.

The frown on Varis face deepens, as she walks over towards her desk and grabs a pen and a roll of paper and starts writing. About the Black Skull and the rituals they had preformed around it. It had started when they were sitting in front of their tent, resting and talking amongst themselves. A girl had asked if they wanted to help in finding the Black Skull, a relic from the Black Avatar. They had been willing, but before they had the information they had needed, it was already found by a group of priests. But it had not been over. The Skull appeared to be contaminated with a tainted energy. So the Skull had been handed over to them, so they could get rid of the stain. However, in their first ritual, they had found out that the Skull was connected to the bell of the graveyard. And there was a problem with the bell as well, since every time it should ring 12 times, it rang 13 times and undead were released from the graveyard. The ritual had failed, and all of them fell down on the ground unconscious, while apparently undead had taken over the circle. Thanks to Aurelius, who had lead the ritual, nothing bad happened as he managed to take control over the circle again. The following morning the ritual was repeated, this time with a group of priests and Darius at the graveyard preforming the same ritual at the same time. This had been successful on their side, and the Skull was now free of taint. However, at the graveyard they had not been this successful, and the Skull and the bell were still connected. The Skull now slowly leaked Black energy to the bell.

For a moment, Vari stops writing, and shakes her head softly. The Avatar had accepted the Skull, declaring the leaking of energy wasn't a problem and had thanked them for their efforts. However, that afternoon, when Vari had returned from the Mage Guild, she had immediately upon entering the Black Camp felt that something was wrong. She had felt an energy coming from the ritual circle, and as she approached the circle, it became stronger and stronger, until she could barely take a step towards it at all. Bertram and Henk had asked what was wrong, but she had waved them away for now. When she stood next to the circle she could see the Skull, and were it first was just dripping, now it was leaking Black and Red energy at a rapid speed. She informed Bertram and Henk of this, telling them that the Skull would be empty somewhere tonight. They informed the Avatar at once, but she still wasn't concerned. That night a big storm commenced, and Vari had felt energized by it. As the Empire Mages had sat together for dinner, they decided to do a final ritual with the Skull again. Vari had pressed on this matter, as she felt the energy leak would end into a big explosion, and none of them wanted that to happen. Not all of them would participate in the ritual, since some had also important, pressing matters to follow up upon. After dinner and after the storm had laid down, Aurelius and herself had entered the temple where the Avatar held court, interrupting a council meeting apparently as they went. However, Vari knew they had not much time left, and they had to start now. They begged for the Skull to be returned, and although the Avatar obviously wasn't as pleased they got it back, with the warning that should anything happen to it, their lives would be at stake.

The ritual was lead by Aurelius again, as he was the most experienced in magical objects. Another mage from the Black Camp was asked to clean the circle before the commenced. Then Vari herself had stepped in and presented the Skull to the circle and handed it over into the hands of Aurelius, transferring the link she had with it over to him. Then she started building an illusion of the bell at the graveyard. During this the mists around them, which had followed the storm seemed to close into the circle. Collin entered after Vari, creating with his Life magic a river, in which the pull from the Bell would be redirected to itself, as a snake that would bite in its own tail. Bertram as Celestial Mage would show the Bell the way it should go until it reached the illusion Vari had made around the Bell itself. The illusion would have to be interesting enough for the Bell to connect with that instead of the Skull. Then Henk would build a dam between the Bell and the Skull, and Darius would sever the link between them. Everything seemed to be going ok, and Aurelius started to enhance the defences of the Skull before refilling its black magic to its original state. However, Vari suddenly felt that the Bell had not taken the bait entirely and part of its pull still went on towards the Skull. She worried for the others, they were now all working on the Skull. What would happen if the Bell connected again? Besides, if anything happened to the Skull now, the Avatar would have their hides for certain...

With a last effort, she called unto the mists again, pulling them around her, enforcing her illusions around the bell with everything she had.

Vari stopped writing again for a moment, stood up and grabbed a cup. She walked towards her small end table, and took the bottle of wine that stood upon it. As she filled the cup, her thoughts went back towards that ritual again. She had woken up with Collins face hovering above her. She couldn't feel her legs, and knew that they had turned into the shadow she had called upon. Her head was pounding, but with some effort she sat up. The ritual had just ended, and everybody was gasping for their breath, including Phalar, who had felt the Red energy from across the field at the Mage Guild and had quickly returned to help them. All of them retreated to their tent, to rest and recover before they would return the Skull to the Avatar again. Vari had a hard time keeping her body together, and she knew the others were facing similar problems. However, the Avatar was well aware of the fact that the ritual had ended, and not even five minutes had passed before someone came to announce her visiting their tent. All of them looked at each other, feeling uneasy as everyone tried to sit up as straight as they could. Aurelius talked, and explained what had happened as he returned the skull into the hands of the Avatar. Darius gave all of them even more of a scare as he asked the Avatar if she was 'proud of them'. Thankfully, the Avatar did not tear him apart, and said she was, but it was obvious he had pushed his luck very, very far.

After the Avatar had left them they had some time to recover from our efforts, however, this didn't last very long, as they were soon again summoned to the temple by the Avatar. The person who told them sounded annoyed, as if this task was to low for him.

Vari smiled as she remembers this, then walks back to her desk to pick the writing up where she had left it. She and the others had received a dragons egg for their efforts and were thanked again by the Avatar, who also had to remark that this was one of the more difficult tasks and yet it was quicker resolved than some of the easier tasks she had set.

That ended the day for them, and the next day saw most of them participate in the big end battle between all of the camps. Vari had decided not to join in. Her speciality did not lay in outright battle, but more in... other forms. Instead she decided to check out one of the other camps. They had received an invitation to the Green Camp a couple of days ago, but as she hadn't come around this yet, and didn't completely trusted the matter, she decided to investigate.

At this point, Vari stops writing and stares into the flames of the fire. She knew she had entered the Green Camp, but after that, her memory was... strangely empty. She had woken up in the Green Camp surrounded by Wood Elves. They said she had hit her head and had been out for quite a while. One of them had escorted her out of the camp...

Vari suddenly looks up from the fire and curses loud. One of those elfs had put her under a spell. She specifically remembers how much she liked that elf. But now that she thinks back on it, he really doesn't feels so special. Besides... A Wood Elf. She would never, EVER, fall for a Wood Elf.

A knock on her door distracts Vari from her thoughts. She walks over to the door and opens it slightly. “Yes?” she asks to a familiar face.
“I heard you returned.” The auburn haired girl in the doorway says, her green eyes flashing in the light of the fire.
“I did, as you can see.” Vari answers. “How are things, Kivuli?”
“Fine as always, Perrin” The girl named Kivuli answers. Vari smiles.
“I'll leave you to your rest now, we'll talk later” Kivuli smiles as she looks at Vari. “You look weary.”
“Thank you, we will. I'm looking forward on working together again, and we sure have a lot to discuss after I've reported to our patriarch.”

Vari closes the door again and leans against it, deep in thoughts again. She had found out that she had lost her book in the Green Camp, and now that she realised that those elves had done something to her she had to consider that they had her book and had kept it. Maybe she had hit her head, and had lost the book when she had fallen. But she needed to get her memory back together again, that was sure.

For a moment she stays still, thinking. Then, Vari walks back towards the desk, and pulls out a couple of black books. All of them have a silver arrow draw upon their fronts. She sits down on the ragged rug before the fire and spreads them out before her. It would be a long night, but she remembered previous missions, and was sure she could find a way to get this straightened out. Someone had been messing with her, either taking her book on purpose or not returning it on purpose, she would find out. Determined she grabbed the first book and starts reading.

Hope you all enjoyed this story. Special thanks to:

Aurelius (played by Jesse Custer)
Darius (played by Marc de Ridder)
Collin (played by Mels Borburgh)
Phalar (played by Phalar Reign)
Henk (played by Govert Combée)
Siegfried (played by Job Rood)
Betram (played by Gijs van Hees)

The best Empire Mages around!!!!

Also thanks to:
Everyone in the Black Camp
The Black Avatar
The Anarquendor (its not over yet :P)


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