Sigh. The predictability hurts us.
What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Probably the thing I’m most proud of is succeeding at raising
$3,555 for the
Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute through my participation in this year’s
Pan-Mass Challenge ride. Other noteworthy
accomplishments include biking up several hills, including Evans Notch,
Great Blue Hill, Mount Wachusett, South Uncanoonuc, and Pack Monadnock;
the progress I’ve made getting back into writing for
DargonZine; and my exploration of
What was your biggest disappointment?
Oddly, the
PMC also provides my biggest
disappointment of the year, when I crashed out of the event and had to
go to the hospital to get stitches. My other cycling disappointment was
bonking hard on the way back from a ride to Gloucester. I was also
disappointed in that I only had enough submissions to send out five
issues of
DargonZine this year,
and we lost several of our veteran writers and my close personal
friends, including Victor, Pam, Bryan, Stu, and Rhonda.
What do you hope the new year brings?
The obvious and biggest desire is a new job. Other than that, I hope
that the
DargonZine crew can
finish up the big story arc we began writing at the 2003 Summit, so that
I have it to print this year.
Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
I don’t think so. I just finished making two birthday resolutions
(regular Buddhist meditation, and transitioning to skim milk), so I
don’t think I need additional resolutions. Maybe I’ll eat a
little less red meat, since that would probably be the next logical step
in improving my diet, but I don’t think that’s big enough to
make it a resolution.
I will say that I find it disappointing that although people always ask
what new resolutions you’re making, they absolutely never ask how well
you kept your old ones. As someone with some actual strength of will, I
find it sad that most people fail to control themselves and honor their
commitments. I think I’ve kept all my resolutions for the past three
years (and they haven’t been “gimmes” at all).
What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
I was thinking maybe I’d go to the Lizard Lounge to see
Flynn, but probably I’ll
stay home. I haven’t bothered cultivating many friends, and
I’m so not the party type.