O man. I went into work this morning at 10 and by the time i got off, 6:00, it was pitch black! DO you know what that does to ones phyche? With that and working with kids and toys and angry bosses for 8 hours is enough to put me in a home! jeesh!
Well, i washed that all away with hanging out with my girlfriend and one of my buds with my crazy family. Always fun and reviving.
Hmmm... its Saturday. I worked the greater portion of Friday and Saturday. Its Saturday at 7:49 and I feel like crap because I completely lost my weekend. Oh well.
Working is such a weird weird event and thats kinda what im dedicating this entry too. ... ... incase your kinda slow.
Saturday mornings are when all of the weirdos come out of the woodwork to congregate and work at Toys R Us. I swear, sometimes i feel like im in a looney bin when i work on saturday mornings.
Do you ever read
Wally World Life? I think I might want to start up a site like that if i get hired on to full year at Toys R Us.
I could have a whole cast of characters and seriously there is so much that goes on every day.
Last night at about 9:25 (when we close at 10) someone left their cart just sitting in the middle of the store. Twards 10 we start tryign to clean up and do all the "re-shop" (which is when we put all the returned items back on the shelves in their place... and who would have thought that we bring all those toys bakc to the floor in carts?) So we are doing all this closing jive and me and one of my co-workers "Chris" were cleaning up and we find this cart and we think its reshop, so we start to clean it up.
It was so hard to keep a straight face telling him that we had put all of his stuff back on the shelves thinking that is was just random garbage (aka toys).
There are many tales to tell.
The more i am there, the less it feels like im there. does that make sence? When Im there and i look back at it, it feels like a big dream. 8 hours condensed into about 10 minutes worth of memory. I have no sence of time while at work.
Well i am going to run away from this computer cause i dont have to be here. So there