Aug 16, 2009 16:10

15:50:41 ohm nom nom: JARMS
15:50:45 hamdrax: lmfao jarms
15:50:46 ohm nom nom: JARMS WHAR AR YOU
15:50:51 ohm nom nom: jarms.
15:50:56 ohm nom nom: janes.
15:51:03 ohm nom nom: janes cuddly whipe.
15:51:23 hamdrax: .......
15:51:25 hamdrax: i love you
15:51:27 hamdrax: what the fuck
15:51:34 ohm nom nom: I need to fucking sleep hammie
15:52:02 ohm nom nom: fuck
15:52:09 ohm nom nom: IROM NAN
15:52:16 ohm nom nom: CATPIN ANNERICLE
15:52:27 hamdrax: LMFAO
15:52:38 hamdrax: hldhaslksd
15:52:50 ohm nom nom: WOPS
15:53:10 hamdrax: hdkaslhdklasd
15:53:12 hamdrax: WOPS!!!!!
15:53:18 hamdrax: AUNT MEN
15:53:20 ohm nom nom: LMFGkjhdg
15:53:27 hamdrax: h;ksdjf;lasdjf;akdfj HYPERVENTILATES
15:53:31 ohm nom nom: ALSO
15:53:33 ohm nom nom: kjgfdgfd
15:53:36 hamdrax: I MISSOYU PEM
15:53:46 ohm nom nom: I MISS YOU TOO POB
15:54:06 ohm nom nom: AUNT
15:54:06 ohm nom nom: MEN
15:54:07 ohm nom nom: fdhjdfg
15:54:35 hamdrax: AUNT MEN
15:54:43 ohm nom nom: for.
15:54:47 hamdrax: ....for
15:54:49 ohm nom nom: for
15:54:58 hamdrax: erkuless??
15:55:01 ohm nom nom: dfkjgdfg
15:55:11 ohm nom nom: Uncle.
15:55:31 hamdrax: .......
15:55:38 hamdrax: Uncle and Aunt Men are married
15:55:41 ohm nom nom: djhdfgdfg
15:55:47 hamdrax: :DDDDDDDD
15:56:19 ohm nom nom: fffffff
15:57:28 ohm nom nom: horkle? scallop wish?
15:57:47 ohm nom nom: idek I think I am losing steam
15:57:57 hamdrax: I think you are gaining steam
15:57:59 hamdrax: in the sense that
15:58:05 hamdrax: these make less and less sense as we go along
15:58:08 ohm nom nom: lmaooo
15:58:10 hamdrax: xDDD
15:58:18 hamdrax: IROM NAN is almost reasonable by comparison
15:58:20 ohm nom nom: dfgdfg
15:58:23 ohm nom nom: I think I like
15:58:25 ohm nom nom: scarlop
15:58:30 ohm nom nom: wish
15:58:31 ohm nom nom: better
15:58:33 hamdrax: XDDDDD
15:58:45 hamdrax: SCALLOP WISH
15:58:47 ohm nom nom: SCARLOP ISH
15:58:51 hamdrax: ....shdlkahsdklsads
15:58:57 ohm nom nom: :D
15:59:08 ohm nom nom: kicksmither
15:59:15 hamdrax: ....
15:59:27 hamdrax: kickswiller
15:59:30 ohm nom nom: .. lol
15:59:38 hamdrax: :'D
15:59:45 hamdrax: I like wops best
15:59:47 ohm nom nom: me too
15:59:50 ohm nom nom: and aunt men
15:59:51 hamdrax: the wops
15:59:53 hamdrax: AUNT MEN
15:59:54 hamdrax: fuuck
15:59:57 ohm nom nom: aunt men and the wops
15:59:59 hamdrax: the wops and aunt men are dating
16:00:00 hamdrax: yes
16:00:03 ohm nom nom: ffffffff
16:00:04 hamdrax: that is a good band name
16:00:08 hamdrax: aunt men and the wops
16:00:11 ohm nom nom: YES
16:00:13 ohm nom nom: fuck
16:00:14 hamdrax: :DDDD
16:00:18 ohm nom nom: CAN WE HAVE A NEW BAND NAME AGAIN
16:00:22 hamdrax: LMFAO
16:00:23 hamdrax: YES
16:00:24 ohm nom nom: OK
16:00:35 hamdrax: GARDEN EELS
16:00:37 ohm nom nom: OH YES
16:00:38 ohm nom nom: LMAO
16:00:41 ohm nom nom: YES
16:00:56 ohm nom nom: fkjghdfgjdfg
16:01:11 ohm nom nom: the other people in the airport are giving me looks
16:01:19 ohm nom nom: because I am laughing so hard that the tears are dripping off my nose
16:01:44 hamdrax: LMFAO
16:01:45 hamdrax: I LOVE YOU
16:01:47 hamdrax: PEM
16:01:48 ohm nom nom: fkjgfgdfghfdgfdg
16:01:51 hamdrax: HAHAHA
16:02:07 hamdrax: ...
16:02:13 ohm nom nom: wornashy
16:02:52 hamdrax: pegneato???
16:02:55 ohm nom nom: kfdjhdfg
16:03:04 hamdrax: :DDDDD
16:03:07 ohm nom nom: 8D
16:03:22 hamdrax: ....professor flex
16:03:25 ohm nom nom: ....lfdgjdf
16:03:32 hamdrax: ....
16:03:33 hamdrax: ....
16:05:02 hamdrax: professor flex
16:05:07 ohm nom nom: professor flex.
16:05:20 ohm nom nom: narvel irl.
16:06:06 hamdrax: wilverscreen
16:06:21 ohm nom nom: niceman.
16:06:42 hamdrax: NICEMAN
16:06:43 ohm nom nom: mangel.
16:06:43 ohm nom nom: feet.
16:06:47 hamdrax: sdhgkalshdaskhad
16:07:03 ohm nom nom: YES
16:07:09 hamdrax: flyslops
16:07:12 ohm nom nom: jdfg
16:07:20 hamdrax: FLYSLOPS
16:07:37 ohm nom nom: yes yes yes
16:07:57 hamdrax: YES YES YES
16:08:01 ohm nom nom: Pogues. Nambit.
16:08:38 ohm nom nom: addlepat ...
16:08:41 ohm nom nom: .. addlepate
16:08:55 hamdrax: ADDLEPATE XDDDD
16:08:56 ohm nom nom: überly?
16:09:13 hamdrax: ...cyberfoof
16:09:15 ohm nom nom: dfkghdkfjghdfg
16:09:20 hamdrax: :DDDD
16:09:23 ohm nom nom: fdjhg
16:09:27 hamdrax: LOOL
16:09:47 hamdrax: I wonder if we lj'd this conversation if ANYONE would have ANY IDEA what the FUCK we are on about
16:09:50 ohm nom nom: LET'S
16:09:51 ohm nom nom: FIND
16:09:52 ohm nom nom: OUT

irom nan, hammie, stuff and nonsense

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