DS - First day at School

Sep 01, 2009 17:45

Here in Israel we always say on the 1st of September: SHALOM KITAH ALEPH
and that means: Hello, Grade A :-)

01/09/09: Can you say "Moo"...I'm such a cow...anyway, standing w/ DS near the "Sports Hall"
This morning, we had to show up with DS at 08:30 at the "sports hall" with all the other first graders. My father came along also since he lives nearby. The teacher greeted each child with a sticker that says "Shalom Kitah Aleph" and from there the kids and us marched to their classrooms and all the older kids clapped for them and they had music playing.

At the "Sports Hall" waiting for things to start.

Then they had a short ceremony outside and the 2nd graders welcomed them to the school. After that we took DS back to the class room and left. I went on to work and DH had taken the day off so he went back later when school let out to show DS where his after-school activity will take place and DS was quite content. Though he didn't like the lunch they offered and turned it down. DH got me the phone number of the food suppliers and I can speak to them and tell them DS preferences. DS did say he had fun in class and told DH he could leave as he wanted to play. I left work at 14:00 met up with DH picked up DD and then DS at 15:00.
He was quite content.

In the class room. DS chose to sit upfront and center. Good kid!

Food wise, I sent him with a peanut butter sandwich and fruit. He didn't want the apple whole so I cut it into quarters and removed the seeds. DS had most of the apple at 10:00, though left bits that I think were brown (we warned him that would happen if we cut the apple) and didn't touch the sandwich. On the way back home he complained that he was hungry so I offered him his sandwich and he ate it all.

As for DD, I decided to leave her at the same day care as last year since she knows some of the kids there already and the staff. They are also a tad more reasonable in price and she can stay till 15:00 which means I don't need to rely on anyone else to pick her up. Next year though she'll go already to kids-gan, because English is also very important.

Speaking of which when we met with DS teacher on Sunday she told us that the English they do is only vocabulary...so I will have to maintain writing and reading at home. I want DS to learn reading and writing in English paralel to learning the hebrew. I think it will make it easier for him because he'll see it all follows the same logic. According to kids-gan he knows to read 3 letter words, but DS refuses to admit to it. I guess some more LeapFrog products are in order.

DS Transformers back pack...which also transforms =)
see more at http://www.kalgav.net/ShowProduct.asp?BagID=734
and because we waited till 31.08.09 to buy it, we got 50% off!!!

ds, dd, school

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