Hello, everyone! *waves meekly* After not posting anything for a long while, I don't know quite where to start! RL has been rather busy lately, but entertainment stuff is far more interesting and fun to discuss, so I think I'll just dive in with shows/movies talk for now. :)
*Shipping is not for the faint of heart, *le sigh*: So I recently read a
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I imagine you're quite busy, yes? When does the semester end for you? I'd love it if we could catch up sometime soon. It's been forever since we had a real conversation. *hugs you madly*
I've been trying to decide if I should go back and reply to all the comments I'm behind on, or if I should just send you an email with the same info. Might be easier, for both of us. Do share your opinion on the matter, love. :)
I'm doing well. There are, of course, the moments when I want to slam my head against a wall, but overall... I'm good. Perhaps I'll even update my journal with various things. Perish the thought. ;)
Star Trek was never a show I really got into. I mostly watched it and the movies when I was home sick or just really, really lazy. Still, I did enjoy it at times, and I always had my favorite characters (Spock, Bones, Scotty). I think you might get more of a feeling of being in on the joke if you've watched bits of the show, but I still think you'll enjoy it. They reference so many of the character quirks that are known and loved. I enjoyed the things that were both familiar and new. I also really liked how they showed just how young and inexperienced all the characters were (being so recently out of school), without making them annoying and inept. They didn't ruin any of my beloved characters, and it's really quite funny. Go see. Talk to me about it. *grins* See how I got that in there one more time? Stealthy and sly, that's me. /dumb
Hope you're having a good day. I must go out into this glorious sunshine and paint a table. Wish me luck.
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