Contact info and "All quiet on the western front".

Dec 04, 2006 10:54

My AOL internet thing at home is very unreliable at the moment so i have put my works email on my profile page.
If you need to email me please use that one.

As i will be moving house, (hopefully sooner rather than latter) i may not even bother wasting many more hours on the phone to some plank in Bombay to try and fix it; i will just stop paying them the money, as that tends to get a speedy response.

As for the western front well in the last 3 weeks we had 3 break ins 2 in the scrap yard and one on the building site.
So i have been frantically laying down razor wire, erecting barricades etc and the marvelous Shaun has been working late in to the night to greatly extend our perimeter sensors range and coverage.
so the upshot of it is when the next gypo/chav scum comes looking for his Christmas bonus, he triggers the perimeter sensors and it sets an alarm of at the parents house (no audible alarm in the yard) they call me and i take a very short drive up there and get to practice Mag lite and buckler techniques on their heads.
If they try to run away and jump down the front retaining wall, well they may end up bollocks first on some very unsympathetic razor wire, "merry Christmas"!!!!

Of course i have to be up hear to dispense said Christmas greetings so it's put a crimp in my plans of going to London and Southampton, etc to see various people, but when things quiet down i shall hit the road again.
Still a small consolation i bought myself a lovely new 6 cell mag lite torch, it has a marvelous heft to it.
Come to think of it maybe wyte_phantom, rosenkavalier and myself could do a modern re-write of I-33 for mag lite and buckler techniques..

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