Jul 27, 2006 21:54
Rain today. Almost rode home from tennis on my bike in the rain, but dad came to pick me up at the last minute (literally). So I wasn't as wet as I could have been.
Went to La Isla for lunch. Love that place. Don't know what I'm going to do in philly without my mexican food!
Played The Sims for most of the rest of the day. I love my summer sedentary life. YAY for big words like that!
And now I'm on the computer some more! I have no more stories about the exploits of EE (the Nova computer) as of yet...but I did watch Project Runway last night...Uli reminded me of Svenja when she started talking about her model going to parties. Hehe. :)
Can't wait to go to the beach! I know it means I'm even closer to college, but I love the ocean too much to care. :P We're staying on the 13th floor this year...ooooh, spooooky. Not. :P
Other than that...life be boring still. I should probably start packing tomorrow. ...But I won't end up doing it. I'm lazy and I procrastinate and I'm proud of it!
Hope you guys are having fun at TK camp!
PS- any more guesses on my music post a few scrolls down?
(Dang! I forgot to have coffee...)
evil d'el,