Nov 14, 2009 09:45
Oddly enough, my own daydream inspired this poem. It appears that I can be very insightful and wise when attempting to instruct myself thru another character...don't worry, you're not meant to completely get that.
So here goes...oh wait, a little back story: So lately I've been rather frustrated, though subtly so, about where my life has taken me. Sometimes I glance back and am amazed by what I've's kind of an "Oh My God, did I do that?" kind of moment. Mostly I'm not sure how I got here or even bigger What's next. I thought that getting a degree would begin my adventure, would kick start my such luck
Poetry! this poem was a good reflection and great to air out my's still rough around the edges
The Dreamer and the Demon
A dreamer’s fatal flaw is high expectations
She has the capability to create her own trap door
Without even realizing it, she plummets
Her beginnings are intense
So vulnerable; innocent and raw
She seeks constantly that which draws her in
Becoming entranced, she lives the dream
Two in the same, not possibly one w/o the other
To dream, to breathe, bleed, and cry all one substance
Goals guide the path, though the middle is always hazy
Determination and hard work fuel the engine
Perfection and desire can act as blinders
However it can be a very dangerous way
With all involved the dreamer steams forward
The dreams begin to materialize
And the goal inches closer, or the other way around
Sometimes it’s like Hollywood or cloud nine
Those are just glimpses of glorious reward
Later and more often is a sort of fog
Mysterious and confusing, safe and yet unsure
“Where am I? How did I get here?
Where’s the finish line?”
Doubts seap in thru the cracks
And she finds herself very much lost
Has the dreamer reached a dead end?
Is there a point where dreams can only take you so far?
Or rather is it only hard work and determination
that can only begin to lead the way?
Maybe the problem is a disconnect between the two?
Is realization and visible strides forward
too hard for the dreamer to grasp?
The feeling is of reaching a point where there is no step forward
A kind of cliff or maybe rather a very tall wall
Either way, there is an indisputable stuck-ness to the moment
All thoughts are permeated by fear and questioning
So far no solid answers have arrived, no clarifying light
But one theory has emerged
Maybe, just maybe, in the trudging forward
The dreamer has lost her way, her dream, her spirit
Where has the raw and intense inspiration gone?
Without a flame the fire does not exist
So as this theory goes
The past must be rekindled
Bringing the dream back to life
Then to counteract The Stuck
To overcome the cautious approach
This dreamer must take a leap of faith
What act would propel her forward is still unknown
But only with great risk is anything amazing ever achieved