Nov 14, 2009 05:28
I love the movies, always have, always will. The escape movies provide to new worlds. The laughter they bring and sometimes tears. And best of all that wonderful feeling you have after watching a "good" movie; I call it a movie high or buzz. Movies create euphoria, for me at least. Which made me wonder a while back if going into the movie business would be an awesome and suiting job for me? Of course then I thought that maybe working in making movies would ruin the joy I get from watching learning all the secretes of a magic act. Sometimes seeing the product is better than watching all the pieces go together.
To extend this wonder of ruining the magic, the wonder and joy of the things I love bring me, I question whether or not you can have a passion and work in the field of that passion. For me, it's obvious that my passion is all things space. Is there enough passion to immerse my life into the creation/development of space exploration and have passion left over to continue to explore my love outside of the job? I wonder this because I remember when I was younger a lot of what I did with my free time was explore my passion for space...I read books (NASA history and astronomy/physics), I watched movies, I spent hours staring at the stars. I remember that I whenever I was outside at night I HAD to look up. I felt that space coursed through my veins.
However it seems that since I delved into Aerospace school, then aerospace co-ops and now an aerospace operations permanent job that my flame has been dwindling. I can't finish a simple space book to save my life. I own "From the Earth to the Moon" and haven't seen it all. Is my passion for space fading? Has my pursuit of my dream smushed my curiosity?
Can you pursue your dreams and passions both inside and outside of your career? Should your true loves be left to hobbies? hmmmmm....
Movies are awesome for making me glow with happiness and think and question "what if". I should always write after watching a movie (in the theater at least). Oh and by the way, in case you're curious as to what movie I just saw that brought about all this questioning; it was Pirate find the connection, because I can only draw a thin line of comparison to loving rock'n'roll and trying to hold on it for dear life.
anyways, g'night.