Aug 02, 2004 12:56
Good weekend…tru story. Friday I had dick shit ta do…cuz alex was all in his “I cant go ta the movies cuz im a raging homo” routine, and this was right after he go outta his “I left MY FUCKING BOXERS at ur house the other nite cuz im a raging homo” routine…quite unfortunate. So, naturally, I call up muh good friend henna…n she sez that they’re goin ta the movies…so I join in (this is after I discover, of course, that megan n jake are both gone (gone as in different areas of the country…they werenn’t together…no fer real…) So, I went ta c the village, and gina came…but it was all sold out, so we saw the bourne supremecy…mucho good-tru story. And when we got there, Jordan, jake, Vanessa, Kristen n erin were there too…but then Vanessa n kriusten left cuz they were queer to a point at which they didn’t wanna c the bourne supremacy…no fer real….faggoty? I think so…so…then I met hennas new “friend”…who just happens ta b an Indian…who just happens ta b richer than fuck itself…tru story. I no wut ur thinking-“I didn’t no fuck cood b rich…” shuttup faggot…lol-sry. Neway, so Saturday, jake came over, fun shit-we went ta mcdonalds, then ta walmart. So, the mcdonalds was in the walmart, and it took us for fuckin ever ta find the goddamned store…we were drivin round Schenectady fer like hours…we went in this massive mutherfuckin loop-tru story, buyt eventually we found the fuck. So we went ta micky-Dee’s, and the lady there thot we were gay, cuz jake’s like “we’re not together” as in…for paying for the food (however, it would have been sweet if he paid fer muh big mac…but that’s a different story-o and he owes me 20 bux…fyi) So shes like…“wait wut?”…and naturally inferred that we were homos…now, how “we’re not payin fer the fuckin food together” makes us queer, is beyond me, but, keerp in mind, she did work at MCDONALDS…so shes clearly a regular swifty mcquick…ish. So after we bought everything, jake went ta fiond a table…the one in the furthest possible fucking corner…and the lady sed ta me quietly, yanno, itsw okay ta b gay. And I was like…wow, thanx, yanno that actually makes me feel better about muhself…I feel as though I can almost admit it…yanno? And she looked at me…kinda oddly…and I was like, exdcuse me, im gonna go buttfuck muh friend now…she was a mused…tru story. So, then me n jake walked around walmart fer like…hours. I bought Face/off n Basic…then later I bought the General’s daughter. See, I kinda went on this movie craze n started watchin all these Nicholas cage and john Travolta movies…till like 5 in the morning…however spectacular, its kinda weird…in a special way…bitch. SO, I bought the movies, n we went home. Then we watched some of face/off, and decided we wantecd to go see the village, cuz it was sold out the nite b4. So we call up megan, n shes like…well I haven’t showered yet but I wanna go. So we picked her up n went ta friendlies…very special-I saw muh lover laurie there, tyhen we went ta c the village…it sucked balls…no like really really hard. I wanted ta kill muhself…I was also in the front row, which made matters worse-and we were int eh front row, because JAKE coodnt finish his FUCKING FRENCH FRIES…or freedom fries or w/e the fuck u stupid political assholes wanna call em (fyi-they’re French fries bitch). So then we went ta my house, n we watched face off, then jake left, then megan left, then I watched basic. So then Sunday…I went ta church, fell asleep, wen tta walmart, bought the genreal’s daughter, then when I was watchin it…guess who calls…no guess bitch…aright, Katie…yes-tru story. Shes like, we’re by u…so like and hour l8r, she comes over…and it was very special…lol-no fer real ; )…yeah. So that was pretty much muh weekend…tons of fun. Now im at work, and im helping someone-I hafta print 11,000…yes, 3 zeros…letters and envelopes…mucho moneyo, mucho timeo, mucho annoyinga…tru story. So…that’s wut im doing…and that’s y this is so long-cuz I don’t have nething ta do while its printing…but elise is pissed cuz I hafta work there but they wont let me…and I cant talk ta the secretaries…unfortunate. So yeah…im out, ne1 bored 2nite, hit up the cell-I have diddlyshit ta do :-p