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savagesnakes EEE! I've signed up for The Eagle Big Bang, as a writer. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, yay! Come join me, y'all. It'll be a blast!
I was at the Seventh Day Slasher's Church
weekly post, and ended up seeing the
dark, killing machine!Esca AU prompt again. I've been dying to see that filled for awhile, and after seeing it again, all these ideas and feelings sprang to mind. Entire scenes started coming together, screaming at me to give them life, whether I was ready to, or not.
So I rambled about them, and the great gang over there was so encouraging and supportive, it was amazing! I love this fandom so much! It solidified my excitement over the prompt, and my determination to write something. So I joined the bb, since it seems like the ideas will come out epic and be a ball to write about.
That means that the ideas I had for
the mutant!AU prompt is going to be on the backburner, which is just as well. I love the prompt, and had some ideas, but nothing too substantial. In fact, some of the ideas I had ended up slotting perfectly into the dark(ish)!Esca AU, working out much better there than in the mutant-verse.
So I might get to the mutant!AU later, but for now, I'm all about the dark(ish)!Esca prompt. :D I've even started on a pre-writing playlist for it. YAY! :D
This entry was originally posted at
Dreamwidth. It has
comments there.