My wife watches each new Psych episode on lunchbreaks at work the day after it airs, so whenever I watch it at home she goes in the other room. Because it was the summer finale, she was extra harsh about not being spoilered, and borrowed my headphones - which get louder than some headphones because I'm hard of hearing - to listen to music while it was on (and went in the other room, because I also use captioning).
It was sort of funny, because I was also very concerned about at least hearing generic voices (even if I can't make out many words without captions) for the finale, so I turned the volume on the tv up almost as high as it went, and was never happier for the unbelievably thick walls in our complex. I had to shut the windows, but nobody complained, and I consider that a win.
I was originally going to try to seperate this reaction post by emotional and plot spoilers, but I find the two are so intertwined when it comes to my reaction posts that I just can't.
- Oh, Shoppes. I want Shawn to own an ice cream shoppe, and run Psych out of the back of it. It would be fucking awesome. And think of the coupons they could offer!
- I also have the ankles of a stallion. In case anyone was wondering. (Not really. I have cankles hardcore, and I'm proud.)
- LMFAO when Lassie called them because he heard a white guy and a black guy were causing a disturbance there. I also LOL'd so hard my dog jumped when he was all, "I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" Oh Lassie, stay awesome.
- Shawn, Gus, you know ILU. But when you were shoved in the bathroom, all I could think of was "OMG PURPLE OCTOPUS!" ((It helped that I could replay the show a million times to catch what I missed while following the tentacles of purpleness around the stalls.)) And I love that despite immanent danger, Shawn also looked at that purple octopus and was all, dude, what? But really, Shawn, if you didn't comment on those things despite death encroaching, you wouldn't be the character man we all know and love.
- YAY! MORE DECLAN! Say what you want about him, but I liked him in Shawn 2.0 (particularly after we found out he was a fraud just like Shawn, but a rich and more honest one). I liked him even more in this episode, and am glad he's going to possibly be around when the season returns. I even like his ridiculous name, which, surprisingly, has grown on me.
((I vaguely want to see some Declan/Shawn "hey that's really cool that you have xyz" "isn't it? See, usually they/it do..." "OMG I love you" "He doesn't mean that, let's GO Shawn," "It's cool, you go on ahead," *Gus leaves* "let's have sex" *shrugs* "okay" *have reasonably good sex, blinks* "eh, it was alright, though really, with all your money, you couldn't afford -insert trivial thing here-" and then they are rival-buddies in the general canon way, and on the way out make a pact not to tell Jules about "the wild sex romp in the huge bed with seven bedpost. Who needs seven? It doesn't even match the sheets, especially since you only have" *checks* "400 count sheets? I mean REALLY, how rich ARE you? Couldn't you get, like, sheets made straight from the silk worm's --" Ahem. I mean, that whole situation hasn't already happened twice in my head. Nope, not mine! *whistles innocently*))
- Is it just me, or was this episode conspicuously full of serious!Shawn? Like, a bit, I understand. Jules is dating Shawn 2.0, so there's bound to be some venting to Gus. But the whole continuing emo thing through the whole ep made me go, "REALLY?" and make this face:
and also kind of:
(Gifs courtesy of
I mean, don't get me wrong. serious!Shawn is fun and all, but it just seemed sort of like it was screaming "PLOT POINT!" in some parts, particular at the end where Juliet overheard him talking about his love for her. That was definitely a "hey, guys, in case you didn't catch on, we need to end each season/part of Psych with some deep relationshippy situation with him and Jules, and this ep's plot is making it hard, so let's throw something in there" moment to me.
- Emotional Spoilers for the Pych Profics "Mind Over Magic" and "Call Of The Mild" : (
skip) It was the same sort of "oh, what the hell, let's just plot point this and say that it all makes sense and hope they don't notice the gaping holes" that existed in "Mind Over Magic." It was good, much better than "Call of the Mild," but it still had gaping plot holes the size of P'tol P'kah's home planet. I may or may not post a more thorough review/recap of that book later. Forget about it with "Call of the Mild," though. It was bad and I was left going, wait, WHAT? all the way through, and not in a good way. At least "Mind Over Magic" made an effort at continuity, and had some moments that were all, OH YAY I REMEMBER THAT LITTLE DETAIL FROM TWO CHAPTERS AGO, YAY!
Ahem. Back to the episode reaction.
- Gus, if you were waiting for the perfect time to snap about how YOU deserve to be happy, too, and that YOUR happiness involves Shawn naked in your bed, well, that was the time. Oh well, I'm sure I can come up with at least thirteen other moments that will be perfect (I already have seven going on in my head right now). It's one of the many, many reasons why I root for you guys. *nods*
- I love Jules. When Shawn was being all deliberately obtuse, I loved her SO FUCKING MUCH for setting him straight and being completely confident in her relationship and her sexuality. God I love that woman. I want some hot crossover femslash with her, or even some OFC femslash. Something hot, and femslashy. Or even some good Declan/Jules fic. Oh, maybe some Declan/Jules dirty-talking about Shawn sex. Or hell, some Shawn/Declan/Jules sex. Oh, or Shawn/Declan/Jules/Gus sex. Or, or --
- Declan, you never told Jules about helping them. Shame on you. I know the writers are probably going to use that, and his not-so-reluctant-at-all-ness to help Shawn and Gus with cases to help drive the final wedge between them. *sighs* It's not even so much that canon Shawn/Jules bothers me. I mean, I've seen them flirt for season after season. I just think that if they ever truly got together, it could be bad for the show. Kind of like Booth and Bones. Or House and Wilson (even though I haven't regularly watched that show since the second season).
- So, I'm guessing when Nadia was feeling Shawn up she noticed the wire and confessed? Or did she miss it in her desire to plant the phone? I kind of doubt it's the latter.
- Okay, Shawn, that trenchcoat looks bad, and you should feel bad. Seriously, that thing is so hideous even Lassie wouldn't touch it. (I'm still giggling over Gus' unintended bad outfit burn on Lassie's golf outfit from Shawn 2.0). Though now I'm having images of Lassie wearing nothing but the trenchcoat and flashing Shawn. And him turning away and being horrified not by Lassie!peen, but by the ridiculous trenchcoat (you guys know if he'd seen Lassie or someone wearing it, the mocking would never have ended). Oh Shawn/Lassie fans, you are slowly turning me on to your pairing - though Shawn/Gus is still the love of my heart. ♥
- Emotional Spoilers For True Blood eps 3.10 and 3.11: (
skip) So, my generic response to the last two True Bloods was, "Oh, Eric, NO!" It seems that the general sentiment is being transferred over to Psych fandom, at least for the end of this episode.
I was all, "OH, JULES, NO!" I sat and stared, and it was all I could think of for at least five minutes. And then I started this post. *nods*
- Shawn, yes, you deserve to be happy. And you can be. With Gus. Look, he's already started the Blueberry. All you have to do is hop in, sweet talk him, and then ride that stallion-ankled man like a cowboy. Or find Lassie, and do it doggy style. Or --- well, actually, I'm all out of innuendo for the moment.
So, guys, any ideas about what'll happen when the show comes back? Any hopes? Fears? Pineapple haunted dreams?
Speaking of Psych:
- I've just created a feed for
psych_news so that you can see all of the joy that is the Psych fandom newsletter without leaving your DW home. It's called
psych_news_feed. Yep, I'm real creative with names. Still. You know you want to subscribe.
- I want to mention
this awesome Shawn Festibility prompt. It is so totally my personal canon, and I would love to see someone write something for it. Pretty please?
And I also still need help finding a beta for my Festibility McCoy piece. I'm too anxious to post it without someone to look it over. It's less than 500 words, is gen, and has warnings for imagined character death and imagined serious injuries.
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