30 Day Writing Meme, Days 22-24

Mar 25, 2010 00:43

I fell behind on these, again. Darn internet and it’s shininess. *nods*

22. Tell us about one scene between your characters that you’ve never written or told anyone about before! Serious or not.

In the Valentine’s Day episode of Baubles and Broomsticks, one of the major subplots was going to involve Greg’s wife coming back to see how he was doing. It would involve several mentions of his dead child, and the cult, family, and life he left behind to be with the Stevens family.

23. How long does it usually take you to complete an entire story-from planning to writing to posting (if you post your work)?

This varies wildly, depending on what type of story it is. If it’s an installment for, say, Gothic Grapes, it’ll take me almost the entire week. I’ll probably write six or seven different rough drafts, set them aside, and then come up with a plot-line that’ll go in just a slightly different direction. I’ll then re-read all of my rough drafts, and decide which one can best be re-written to suit the new direction of the plot. After I rewrite that draft, I put it aside again for awhile, and come back to it with as fresh of eyes as I can manage. Next comes editing the crap out of it. I do the editing process once or twice more, and then post it up - and then I usually have still managed to miss something, so a friend will point it out and I’ll give it another quick copy edit. *nods*

With fan fiction it usually is a much longer process, involving a beta and lots more writing and re-writing. But because my fan fiction is rarely on a deadline, I can enjoy a more relaxed process with it. *nods*

24. How willing are you to kill your characters if the plot so demands it? What’s the most interesting way you’ve killed someone?

This is one of my biggest issues. It hurts so much to kill a character (and by that I usually mean a character that’s been developed in the story I’m writing, not just a random dead guy, or a side character I planned to kill from the beginning, etc). But I figure that I’m willing to do it, even if it will take lots of tears and frustration on my end.

Originally published at Morgan O'Friel's Fiction Site

meme: 30 day writing, original: gothic grapes, medium: meme, original: baubles and broomsticks, writing: general

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