May 29, 2006 21:25
In his room, after talking with Stephanie, after talking with Zuko, Billy sits in his room and shakes, anger and rage and tears all mixing in him and making his stomach roil and making him want to just scream!
Here he was, a nice guy, someone who spent his life helping people, someone who tried as hard as he could to just be a good person. He had done it since he could remember and every time he turned around, he was knocked down and kicked in the teeth. One person after another left him, one person after another hurt him, one person after another, by their actions or words, told him he wasn't worth it, wasn't worth anything. And he kept going, kept trying, kept being good. He never took it out on others, not once. Not ever.
And then there was Stephanie, who rejected him over an asshole who walked like a baby but who wanted to be considered a man, a boy named Zuko, who acted constantly like he should get a better life and yet didn't really want to work that hard for it. A baby who was really very little more than a thug with an excuse that he had experienced some bad stuff in his life. This was who she tossed him over for? She stripped her choice from him and gave it to this boy who wouldn't learn, who would not truly treasure her, who would just use her for his own validation while they were together...
Billy shakes and tries to regain control of his breathing.
For too long he has let things build and burn in him; his exile to the Rock, his loss of his family, the loss of the Wizard, the loss of friends and connections, and now the loss of Stephanie, combined with the lack of proper food and the lack of taking care of himself these last few weeks. It all combined and roiled in him. His stomach suddenly sent a surge of pain into him, all the way through him and he curled up over it, crying out.
The next minute he was racing for the bathroom,barely making it in time as he threw up, violently, in a stream that seemed to go on and on and on. When he was finished, eyes closed, breathing heavily, clutching the toilet with his arms, not even dry heaves still going, he opened those eyes.
When he saw what was in the toilet he jerked backwards.
His mouth suddenly felt foul and he staggered away, getting a glass of water.
But it didn't help, nothing did. His mind was in a spiral and he was crying. He wasn't sure when he had started, but it was too much, too damn much!
He sank to his knees and cried form-shaking sobs.
billy batson,