Almost done

Oct 24, 2006 12:34

Well, I'm now through both of my final exams. History went very well, I absolutely destroyed that test. It was awesome. Comparative politics was more difficut... mostly because the questions were unnecessarily vague. The containd such one sentence quips as "Is age the new class?" and "Is gender a reliable indicator for voting patterns?"

This might be fine and good had we discussed gender in politics in depth... or age. But we didn't. At best, we talked about/read about how traditionally governments were afriad to give women the right to vote because they would support the conservative church group...cause u know... women are more moral than men or some such thing.

Even if that is your argument... thats ONE sentence! I had 3 hrs to write 3 essays... I think i need a bit more depth...

Anywho it was pick 3 of 7 so I may have done alright. I get a 10 percent bonus if i get at least a D becasue i went to all the extra sessions and performed voluntary presentations... so I shoudln't have a problem pulling at least a B for the class. Though I admit, its scary having your entire grade riding on one test. Now all thats left is my fucking massive paper I have to finish...yeah so that 20-25 page paper I talked about? Yeah, thats single spaced. Oops. I'm real pleased about that...

On a lighter note... just when I was finally convincing some of you that the Netherlands isn't all sex, drugs, and techno they go and do something like this:

I'm simply speechless.

I would also like to make a political comment since it seems to be all the rage lately.

First of all, right and left are not as cut and dry as they appear. There is moral left and right, and then there is fiscal left and right. Trying to lump everyone together by saying "right or left" is simply not accurate. Contrary to popular belief, you can have conflicting views on each. I tend to agree with Lib/Dem policy in Britain.

Heart on the left, wallet on the right.

Morally liberal, financially conservative.

Also. The current state of affairs in American politics where the "my side is correct and the other side is evil(or un-American, or wants the terrorists to your own ridiculous statement)" methodology dominates needs to stop. Just becasuse someone does not agree with your point of view does not make them the devil incarnate. People should not, and must not be brow beaten into submission simply becasue they express dissenting opinions. As Edward Murrow said: We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. Everyone wants to make sure America great, we just have different ideas about how to get there. Furthermore, America was based on compromise. I for one think it would be a great thing if the House and Senate went Dem this term because then both parties would actually have to *gasp* compromise to get things done!! Not just force their own adgendas through with little or no regard to the opposing party. I'd say it did Clinton good during his term when the Republicans controlled congress, it forced compromise and led to agreements everyone could live with.

In closing... some girl and I ran into each other while riding our bikes this morning in the rain... now my hand hurts and my bike is sad :(
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