December Notices and Chatter Post!

Dec 02, 2010 20:23

First off, a few modly things!

  • Reminder: You can work on your card as long as you want! - Although we offer everyone the opportunity to refresh their card at the beginning of every month, this is NOT required! Origfic Bingo is NOT a monthly challenge (unless you choose to make it one, I suppose!) You can work on your card all year if you'd like! Whatever works for you!

  • Policy note: Monthly card request posts - We've found that it is lots easier for us to get cards out in a timely manner if the card requests are funneled through a request post: we get comments emailed to us, so it pings us right away. We try to go through all the posts to the comm, but sometimes if things pop up when we're busy or out of town or such, some slip through the cracks. So, we will from now on definitely have a monthly card request post (check out the Card Request link on the comm's sidebar, which we'll keep updated), and we really suggest that you use it to request new cards after you get your bingo. Faster card-getting all around! \o/


    What's this time of year about? Nanoing and holidays! So, if you were Nanowrimoing, how did it go? I totally failed to make wordcount with the fanfic I was working on, due to rl just being TOO DARNED BUSY. \o/

    For those sick to death of talking/hearing about Nanowrimo, let's talk about holidays! What's your favorite? What's your characters' favorite? What holidays does your original world celebrate? :D

    (I've got spacecats in my head who are looking at me funny and say that any day someone doesn't expect them to DO something is a day for laying around and having fun, so does that count?)

!admin, !chatter

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