January Card Request and Amnesty

Jan 01, 2011 14:03

Hello all! I hope that everyone's bright-eyed and chipper and ready to start the new year! XD

...yeah, me neither, though New Year's Eve was certainly lots of fun! ;P

So yeah, congrats to all those who worked through the December holidays and gave us lovely fic to read: sartorius, kay_brooke, hecatesbrat, bethany_lauren, mysticpenguin, snowynight, autumn_ink,cat_rood, and also to evil_little_dog and scribbledscenes. Whether you posted your amnesty from November or rolled right on through your December card, congratulations!

Also, as it fell through the cracks before, congratulations to EVERYONE WHO BINGOED IN NOVEMBER ZOMG SO MANY WOOOOOORDS! We are totally so proud of EVERYONE who's bingoed, regardless of month. We have had over 70 bingos in just three months, which quick math tells me is AT LEAST 350 stories, probably more as I know some of you did more than 5 per bingo.

Just. Wow. Wow! :D Go us! Here's to an even MORE awesome 2011!

So, without futher ado:

Here is your official January sign-up post (for those of you who are new to the challenge...hi!) and "Yay I bingoed, gimme a new card!" post. Also, January Amnesty will run until the end of January 7th. If you haven't gotten a bingo on your current card yet but want a different one instead, this is the place to say so! We'll also be continuing the grand tradition of giving you two different types of cards, if you so desire! So if you have a gen card but want to give a gen+romance+kink card a whirl or any other combination, just speak up!

In short: this is where you ask for cards! New folks, amnestying folks, all folks! Nab a card to give you new and interesting ideas for the new year! :D


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