Welcome to 2018 - January Amnesty and Card Request Post

Jan 01, 2018 16:34

Hello, everyone. I hope you all had a good time over the Christmas period, whether or not you were celebrating, and you're ready for a new year.

I need to apologise for disappearing for the last couple of months of the year. Personal issues and illness caused unexpected problems, but I'm back now, and looking to make 2018 a good year for the community.

There are going to be a couple of changes I'm implementing, although not to the current rules. They are staying as they are. Instead I'm going to be posting again today, with the community bingo cards, for those of you who might need a little more inspiration, want a new card but not want the pressure of having on sitting there making you feel bad for not writing, or who simply feel like it would be easier to bingo off them. Secondly I'm planning on posting around the middle of the month to have a chat with you all - hopefully with a writing update of my very own. Last year wasn't great for writing, and the year before that wasn't much better. There is a chance things won't change this year, but I know that one of my biggest issues is putting too much pressure on myself to be doing everything, so I'm going to do my best not to do that again.

So, how have you all been? Do you have any writing goals for the new year? How are you feeling about the year to come? I'm looking forward to hearing from you, if you are still here.


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