It is November, and it's amnesty week

Nov 01, 2017 17:13

Hey, everyone. How have you been?

Work has been stupidly busy recently, which is definitely not something to complain about. At the same time it's been having a terrible effect on my urge to write for me... and that's something I don't see changing any time soon, unfortunately. I have all these things I want to get down on paper, but it's just not happening. Hopefully things will quieten down a bit in the not too distant future. Then I might be able to get back to writing. :)

This month, as I'm sure you all know, is also NaNo. I'm not going to be doing NaNao this year, unfortunately. I simply don't have the time to be able to pull it off, even though I really hoped I would, but if you are then best of luck - I believe in you.

As always please let me know if you want a new card (anyone who doesn't stipulate gets a gen card, so if you want something else then add that into your request, and post any stories you might have done for old cards that you're certain you won't be able to get a bingo on.


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