библиография парадвайты

Oct 07, 2012 19:42

Tucci G. La Via dello Svāt. Bari, 1963;

Kaw R.К. The Doctrine of Recongnition. Pratyabhijñā Philosophy. Hoshiapur, 1967;

Sharma L.N. Kashmir Shaivism. Benares, 1972;

Navjivan Rastogi. The Krama Tatricism of Kashmir. Historical and General Sources, v. 1. Delhi, 1979;

Silburn L. La Kuṇḍalinī ou L’Energie des Profondeurs. P., 1983;

Idem. Spandakārikā. Stances sur la vibration de Vasugupta et leurs gloses. P., 1990;

Idem. Hymnes aux Kālī. La Roue des energies divines. P., 1995;

Murphy P. Triadic Mysticism: The Mystical Theology of the Śaivism of Kashmir. Delhi, 1986;

Mark S.G. Dyczkowsky. The Doctrine of Vibration. An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism. Albany, 1987;

Sanderson A. Saivism and the Tantric Tradition. - The World Religions. L., 1988, p. 660-704;

Muller-Ortega P.E. The Triadic Heart of Śiva. Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir. Albany, 1989;

Padoux A. Vāc. The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindi Tantras. Albany, 1990;

Idem. Le Coeur de la Yoginī. Yoginīhṛdaya avec le commentaire Dīpikā d’Amṛtānanda. P., 1994.

книги, кашмирский шиваизм, парадвайта

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