Ok, well, my first week back was pretty uneventful, except for a shockingly good mark on my IC test from last term, and an equally shocking Redox test, first day back. It's quite scary knowing that in 5 weeks (including exams,) year 11 will be over, and I'll have one year left to make something of my life. You know...what with the whole "you fail your TEE, and you fail at life," thing. So basically, get a good mark, or else we'll kick your ass for ruining our school's taint-free image of utter perfection. Just kidding, because my school is no doubt the most awesome school within a 50-mile radius *does conversion* oh wait, maybe that's too small...anyway, getting back to the point, I just want to give something back to my school for putting up with my existence for 5 years. And hey, I mean, if I failed and I was the only one who had to deal with it, no problem, I could kick myself back into shape in no time; I don't exactly have problems with self-motivation. But the fact that if I fail, so many other people will be disappointed is what drives me to put in that much more effort.
So, um yeah, now with that over and done with *gets teary-eyed*, I did this meme from
tierfal's livejournal, just because randomness is my incentive to life. xD Hurrah!
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
(i) I did a 'socks personality' test, and the first thing it deduced was that I am bouncy - which is probably one of the first, if not the first adjective that would come to mind when people are thinking of me. :D
(ii) I usually put my right sock on first, but I put on my left shoe before my right.
(iii) I get my best ideas in the shower.
(iv) I'm so used to wearing my glasses that if I take them off for any longer than 5 minutes, I instinctively reach up every so often to push my 'glasses' further up my nose again (when they're actually on, they slip a lot)
(v) Chocolate has a very interesting effect on me - if I'm already somewhat tired, it makes me sleepy, but if I'm in my default hyper mode (which is most of the time, anyway,) it won't take long before I'm bouncing off the walls. xD
(vi) I give myself Pep talks, and when I do, it's always in third person.
(vii) I have my own reward system. For example, if I know there's going to be something I want to watch on TV, I'll put in extra effort to finish my homework before the show starts. My conscience does not tolerate rewards when they have not been earnt. ^.^*
(viii) Writing neat, highlighted, colour co-ordinated, scribble-free notes motivates me to study.
(ix) I can re-read a book as many times as I like, and still be able to feel suspense at the right places and get as much out of it as I did the first time around.
(x) My self-control is nearly impeccable except when it comes to Twilight and cookies & cream ice-cream. Otherwise, if I know something isn't good for me (i.e. junk food =P) or shouldn't be done, I have little trouble steering cleer.
(xi) I am so gullible it's embarassing...and also slightly inconvenient when your favourite aunty loves telling ghost stories.
(xii) I usually have a hard time forgetting that fictional characters aren't real.
(xiii) If I'm about to start a completed multi-chapter fanfic, I'll skip to the last chapter first to see if there's a happy ending. It never ruins the story for me (*see (ix)) and if there's an unhappy ending, then I won't be hanging around long enough to ponder about how preconception will affect my enjoyment anyway.
(xiv) Unlike most people who are 'scared of blood', I'm not actually grossed out by it - it's more that when I see someone bleeding, their physical pain registers in me emotionally, and I am simply unable to watch them hurt like that. If it's someone I'm close to, though, I can usually bite my lip and put my own feelings aside to help them. Lately, this 'sensation' has also applied to just about anything that could possibly cause a person physical distress - i couldn't even watch RSPCA rescue the other day, because they were showing x-rays of a joey with a cracked hip.
(xv) I must be the only girl my age who cannot put on make-up - or rather, doesn't know how, to be more specific. And now that some special occasions have deemed it necessary, I'm too embarassed about how ridiculous I'm going to look to experiment. xD
(xvi) When I write poetry, the idea never hits me as one whole thing. Instead, words and phrases will just jump out at me sporadically; I will see some connection and write them all down and then eventually piece them together. When I had to write a poem for an assignment in year 8, complete stanzas would waltz across my head, and once I felt the story was over, I wrote them all down, numbered them, and then played with the order until it seemed right. That's just how it's always worked for me.
Tagging: I'm not going to force-feed this on anyone. If you want to join in, feel free ^^
Well, now I'm off to go do some reading. Have a great day everyone (the beautiful spring weather has finally arrived!)
:) Ngoc