The Secret to Happiness by Alex

Mar 22, 2004 13:20

Feeling Sad? Glum? Unhappy?

If you said yes to any of those, I think the answer for many cases is abundantly clear.
More orgasms. I mean think about it, if you were in the throes of ecstasy (as if having an orgasm) you'd probably be fairly happy.

But what if you're missing that significant other, lover, love interest, butt buddy, fuck buddy, f2f...
The answer is again abundantly clear.


I really don't understand what's with the whole taboo against masturbation. It's merely getting to know yourself intimately and possibly making yourself happy in the mean time. A lot of people complain about masturbation not being enjoyable because it does not come with the added sensation of having another person there. Of course that's true, but that doesn't make masturbation any less of a good thing. I don't think that detracts any from masturbation. When masturbating, you have all the liberty to fantasize, to reminisce or merely to enjoy that you want. Maybe you aren't being intimate or excited with someone else. But you do get some things.

Liberate yourselves!

(that being said, not masturbating is ok too...)
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