(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 15:44

Well, it's been a while.

Today's a snow day. Everyone do a happy dance! *dances*

Today's dead week. Hurrah, not. Tomorrow is a half day, and an even shorter schedule because of the fine arts thingy. So, essentially, we have only ten minutes per class and don't have D, E, or F period. Thank Jesus.

Brokeback Mountain comes out tomorrow! Yay for gay cowboys! *even happier dance* 'Tis rated R, but still. Mom isn't really excited about seeing Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal making out and possibly more... *le sigh* I probably need some friends to see it with so that she doesn't become too upset. Most def. not taking Colin, as he would be scarred for life.

Alex and I are going to be parents! Hurrah! Erin and Amanda are teh godparents, obviously. I can't wait for little Colin/Autumn to get here. These many months are going to be Hell, the suspense will be unbearable. ^_______________^

Wrote my letter to Santa! (not teh Mall Santa... *twitchshudderwail*)

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

Last Saturday I put money in _scottishgentry's expired parking meter (14 points). In July I farted in an elevator (-6 points). Last week I gave jdgrl47 a wet willie, then I took it back (-5 points). In August I gave nezbit a life-saving blood transfusion (50 points). Last Tuesday I signed my organ donor card (28 points).

Overall, I've been nice (81 points). For Christmas I deserve a pony!


Well, that's it, lovelies. I'll talk to you later!

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