(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 14:48

Wow, new update!

I know that no one reads this, but I feel like updating anyway.

Let's see, I've seen Harry Potter twice, Pride and Prejudice... twice. OMGMRDARCYISSODAMNATTRACTIVE! His little British children of hot will be mine. ^_^

Um... Yes. Went to the mall yesterday with Colin and saw P&P. I'm so evil, forcing him through that movie of fluff and... fluff. Sarcastic fluff. But yes, he's so adorable! I want to cuddle him forever! <3

Half day today. Thank the Lord. I despise school. It's completely pointless. Let's run down the schedule:
Art - The one class I need, and my teacher doesn't know shit about it. GAH!
Religion - One of the few classes I do like because my teacher is, for once in the history of all religion classes, IS OPEN-MINDED! He isn't a dumbass, he can't stand idiots, he's sarcastic as hell... OMG, I think I'm in love with Mr. Lawler. He is attractive, despite his blasted pregnant wife... Haha, kidding of course.
English - My English teacher sucks. Hardcore. Like no other. For an honors class, she hands everything to us on a freaking silver platter. Plus, she's a major ditz, too. Too many sorority parties, I think. I have David and a few others to save me from commiting Hara-kiri.
History - Not too bad, just wish all the girls in it would STFU. I have Alex, though, and that's always good. ^_^
Homeroom - Colin and Jesse in it, plus Erin, Micheru, and Ellen come to visit. Downside is having the REST of the homeroom to deal with, i.e. a bunch of idiot rednecks.
Physics - I have only Shannon, everyone else who I like is on opposite sides of the room. I am once more surrounded by morons.
Spanish - Also would be good, as Sr. Hernandez rocks all and Patty is in it, but all those girls never stfu.
Algebra - Would be good also, 'cept that I hate math.

So yes, not much to look forward to, 'cept a few friends and walking to classes with my man. Heehee. ^_^

Dunno what else to put... So yeah. <333
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