OMG! My chocolate milk exploded!

Mar 27, 2009 18:57

It did. Really did. Ugh. And guess what?

The first thing I did is get my phone and take a picture of it. xD

So, here you go~

      Big enough?

Anyways. Today's friday. And I got really bored today!

That means..

I wrote drabbles.

Yeah. 100 words, remember those I use to keep writing?

Yep. They make a return. this time, it's not from Yu-Gi-Oh.

They're from..The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Title: Ohshi-
Fandom: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Words: 100
Pairing: None
Warning: Um..random. Very.
Summary: Just another day in the SOS brigade…or is it?

I sipped my tea and set it gently on the table. It was only Asahina-san, Nagato and me at the club room today. No Koizumi lecturing about one thing or another. No Haruhi with crazy ideas or screaming from boredom.


I spoke too soon.

Not surprised, I took another sip of tea.

“Ah..” Asahina-senpai seems surprised though, so I turned my head to look.

The tea cup nearly slipped from my hand. There stood Haruhi, fists clenched, face red and… tears nearly over flowing from her eyes.

Bad sign.

Yeah, we’re all going to die.


Title: Seating Arrangements
Fandom: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Words: 100
Pairing: Yuuki/KyonkoWarning: Genderbent. Fluffy, a bit. I was bored!
Summary: In that rare occasion where Kyonko decides to bring a book from home to read at the brigade..

I pushed open to the club room. It’s lunch.

“Yo, Nagato.” I wasn’t surprised that he’s the only one here, reading, as usual. I took a seat and flipped open my own book.

Lunch went by in silence, until I looked up to notice a face very close to mind.



“..I-isn’t reading like that uncomfortable?”

“..I see.”


Knock knock.

“Sorry, I forgot my-“

“A-Asahina-senpai! This isn’t what it seems like!!”

Nagato insisted that the only way that we can both read from the same book comfortably was me sitting in his lap.

Me and my big mouth.


Yeah, long post today. I wrote one last drabble, but I won't post it yet. xD Next time, if I remember.

random, haruhi, drabbles

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