
Mar 22, 2009 21:34

That's what I called Haruki when he kept saying 'More bombs! More firepower!'  Seriously, what's wrong with him? I shouldn't ask. [sigh]

Anyways, I've started writing again, it's really hard, seeing how I..strangely can't write much anymore, even if I have a lot on my mind and would love to have it all out. Only without me typing it. Wow. Lazyness to an extreme, isn't it?

So, I tried on my unfinished cosplay for Kyonko today at lunch, that Haruki's mom is making for me.

And i've recorded 3 minutes and 30ish seconds of Hare Hare Yukai, Kyon's version. Still around 1 minute and 30 seconds more to go. I can do this...! Probably..on the weekends though.

So, right now, I'm sitting here, with a banana in my lap(cause my mom's annoying me to eat it, but I'm typing, go figure), and the mic and stuff turned on with Haruki. Though he muted it as his dad is calling home and his mom is talking to his dad on the phone. About laws, I heard.

I have a presentation tomorrow, in which I'm being a news reporter. In law class. I hate law class. More so I hate the people in it. ..... [sigh] Including my group people. mostly my group people. They..just eh.

Then, I have parenting, a good one there.

And English. I hope I don't have to present in that too. God...

Then lunch, then finally biology, the one only enjoyable lesson, well, and parenting too, of the day.

No Haruki tomorrow. Yay. Though, I have to admit, he lifts my spirits when I'm feeling down and all that.

So, I summed up today, and probably tomorrow.

April 10th. Going out with Haruki and his mom to Metro...er..Square? Station? Er, forgot, and my mom as well, to a Japanese buffet. I'm strangely excited.

Still a long way to go till Anime North..
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