Guess which fandom goes with which number - shouldn’t be too hard, because I wrote it more to amuse myself than to be cryptic.
1. There can be only one. Slash! Stab! Chop! (Highlander, guessed by
2. There can be only two, and one of them’s your father. Mwahahaha! (Star Wars, guessed by
3. But it’s better with three. Beware the giant pepper-pots of DOOM! (Doctor Who, guessed by
4. Make that lemons. Beware the lemons of DOOM! Also, turn things on with your mind and get eaten by life-sucking space vampires. (Stargate: Atlantis, guessed by
5. Alternatively, get eaten by non-space vampires while trying to poke sticks into them. (Buffy, guessed by
6. And/or by life-sucking demons of apocalyptic proportions. Stay dead for a month. (Torchwood, guessed by
7. Make that a year. For tax purposes. (Hitchhiker's Guide, guessed by
8. And speaking of money, how about returning that cursed gold? The undead thing really messes with ones sex life. (PotC: CotBP, guessed by
9. As does dying, but if you must - murdered by pirates is good. But your girlfriend will go and get herself engaged to a prince. (Princess Bride, guessed by
10. Also bad for the sex life: flirting with a jar of dirt. It doesn’t have the equipment. (PotC: DMC, guessed by