Title: In which the Doctor thinks fondly of tea, and also, Martha
order_of_chaosCharacters: Doctor, Martha, mentions of Rose
Wordcount: 100
AN: Wrote this because I liked Martha, just from the picture of her, and most of the fics I've read only have her as an obstacle between Jack and Doctor and sex, which isn't quite fair to her. Posting it now because a Martha community randomly appeared -
marthajones_dw, and who could ignore a coincidence like that?
Summary: See title.
The Doctor likes Martha. She’s spiky and cheerful and reminds him bizarrely of Rose - they’re nothing at all alike, but their zest for living is similar. Martha is no more in awe of him that Rose was, which is good, if a little insulting. He is brilliant, after all. He could use a little awe.
And tea, of course. He likes tea almost as much as he likes Martha, albeit differently, and thinks that maybe the two together would start to fill up the empty, absence-of-Rose spaces in the TARDIS.
When he asks her to come with him, she does.