School Venting.

Apr 29, 2008 23:57

Part to-do list, part 'wow I really hate school right now.'

1) Write another 10-14 pages of script for Friday. Because professor would consider it a 'disappointment' if I did a feature opening plus outline, as opposed to an entire story contained in 15-20 pages. Which is also 48238x more complicated. So thanks for that professor, and P.S. your class was a joke. Ergo, my final project will make a mockery of everything we read. Get excited.

2) Finish Pixar thesis for Monday. And send it to Pixar's co-founder. Which also means rewriting Act 3 of other script, so it is ready to go to said Pixar co-founder in the desperately wild hope that it might actually be read by someone at Pixar, who would then buy it and pay me because school is ending and I'm starting to panic about life.

3) 10 pg paper(s) for T.V. History and Culture. What a waste of my valuable time.

4) Harry Potter research project. Mildly more interesting. Still in no way useful for anything that comes after the next two weeks.

Interspersed with: home to see cousin in "Beauty and the Beast," two graduation ceremonies, work, internship insanity. Oh. Em. Gee.
[The End.]
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