I should be sleeping...

Apr 17, 2008 00:48

...'stead of keeping these late hours I've been keeping. (Some of y'all should know the rest.)

But rather than sleep/MOUNTAINS OF FINALS OMG I find myself ruminating on the Rowling trial here in this lovely city of New York.

And I think it's lame. And I know that no one will care that I bother to write this, but as I have permission from my professor to research Harry Potter subculture for my class, I consider this vaguely relevant. In the interests of scholarship. Obviously...

Main question: why does Rowling think it is okay for the lexicon to exist in cyber form, going so far as to single it out as a great web reference, but it isn't okay for the same content to exist in print? That's just silly. It's a question of profits. If you are going to argue it is stolen content as a book, then it should be the same on the internet. Obviously, that was not the case. Also, if you are going to single out the HP Lexicon, then it would be necessary to follow through and shutdown innumerable fan sites, bands, etc. Where do you draw the line?

And at this point, why is it such a big deal? As a writer, I get that she is incredibly protective of her work and I would also be annoyed. However, she also probably has the most loyal fan base in the world, and if she asks that people wait for her version of an encyclopedia, that's what will happen! And RDR will lose in the end because no one will buy their secondhand crap.

Really, this thing is going to be a mess and there will be a gazillion and one appeals, and by that time she will probably have her official version out before their's anyway. And honestly, my sympathy will be limited either way. It's been three days and I'm already annoyed by the excessive press coverage. Surely there are more important issues in the world to be contested? [Insert pretty much anything.]

The End.
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