(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 10:31

Oh yeah!

The Old Testament and the period of history that it corresponds, rather, inter-mingles, with are ridiculously fascinating. I really should've read the Bible earlier. Sure, I've read parts of it, but never big, coherent pieces of it. What strikes me is the fact that the Palestinians and Israelis are still fighting about things that happened in the Old Testament. These guys know how to hold a grudge. I wish there were maps though. Maps would help. And a big family tree so I figure out the difference between all these tribes and semi-countries. I hate to say it, I know it's blasphemous, but... reading the Bible, to me, is kind of like reading a big story. Nobody really talks much about a jealous God anymore, or the fact that Noah cursed Canaan. Revenge, murder, family feud, sacrifices, angry dieties... This smacks of mythos. But on the other hand, it's the basis of most Western religion and spirituality. Just imagine if the Greeks hadn't've gotten the shit kicked out of them... they did found democracy and all, would we still be worshipping Zeus? Cra-zy.

It's too bad Humanities doesn't go quite as in depth as I'd like it to. I'm so taking some Ancient History or Religion classes, or both. Catholicism and European history are really interesting too. I forgot how interesting history is. Triple major? Or maybe... minor in French and some history or another, with a double major in English and Music? Or maybe I should just be a professional student? Or learn on my own.

Disclaimer: These are just some observations and in no way reflect the vague beliefs of Joseph Leray or affiliate, subsidary, or parent companies - nobody get offended, I wasn't making definitive statements about Christianity. It's mostly pre-Judaism anyway.

P.S. I skipped work study today. Just because.

musings, literature, observations, academia, random

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