Oct 08, 2004 09:48
So josh and i have been doing really well ever since i started putting my foot down(atleast on what matters). On Tuesday he took me to dinner and air-hockey. We went to Outback, my favorite. Then on the wawy home had a little fun in the car. It was a good night. Wednesday was just normal we hung out with John a little, he got in Dick mod, but at this point i just ignore it until he snaps out of it. The shocker is... last night he said" You know you are my Boo" which i know is totally lame, but i liked it a lot. I pretty much ruined the moment because i reacted as if he was j/king, but then he got upset about that s i don't know, but everything is still great. It is what it is...we might get an apartment together in Fontana...shhhh don't tell anyone.