I have had a lot of medical issues over the last several years. They seem to be getting worse as I age, but I guess that is nothing new and just how life goes for everyone.
In 2012 I was hospitalized. This hospitalization required two surgeries then I was finally released after 11 days. Once I was home, I had to do IV antibiotics as well as have a home health nurse come in three times a week. This seemed to be working until I had a relapse and ended back in the hospital for another surgery. I feel like my doctor was not listening to me nor my nurses (because we were women - but that’s another story) so I was bitter about the last surgery. At any rate, I went about 8 years before having any other issues.
In 2020 I ended up hospitalized again for the same issue. It wasn’t quite as bad since I knew pretty much what to expect so I was in and out within 4 days - even working from my hospital bed so I didn’t have to deal with FMLA.
Now in 2022, I was hospitalized in February. It was more precaution, and I didn’t have to have any surgeries thankfully, but things just seem to be progressing down the wrong road!
On Monday I went to the doctor’s to be released but they found another issue! I told them I do not want to even play around, run all tests NOW instead of treating and hoping for the best. Of course, the test came back positive again (which isn’t a positive thing) so I’m back on medication and trying to take it easy so I don’t end up in the hospital again.
I’m doing what I can to keep a positive mindset and thinking of all the ways I am blessed, but it gets hard some days when I get to thinking about everything I’ve gone through and all the troubles I’ve had in the past.
Feeling blessed for my job, my ability to go back to school, my family, the cruise that I’m taking in October, my friends, what health I do have - and the fact that I am not in a wheel chair or bedridden, my home, my car, and most importantly the fact that I do not live in a country where everything around me is being bombed for a war that doesn’t make sense to me.