Something has finally happened.

Nov 14, 2008 12:16

Praise the advertising Gods! Today, I had a meeting with Bob Heron, the CD at Y&R Geneva (the 3rd person I've met there). He reviewed my book, liked it, and offered me an internship. I can start ASAP. Basically, WPP is on this giant insane freeze where they can't pay to hire anyone...not full-timers, not freelancers, not nobody not nohow. Which (he says) sucks because they're super busy and could really use people. He anticipates the freeze thawing out in a couple of months, say February or March. So, he's offered me this internship as a way to "start me working in the environment, getting used to the people, and positioning me ideally when the time comes to hire." I'll get a desk, a phone, a title, a partner (or several), and a lot of work. But no salary. He's trying to negotiate compensation for the train fare (188 francs per month!) but he's not even sure if that's possible. could be that I/we end up paying for me to work there. That would suck temporarily but in my mind it's worth it for the foot in the impenitrable steel door we like to call the international advertising job market. *sigh*

I guess there's nothing left to do but "Go, go, go!!"
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