Nov 13, 2008 11:56
email I got a couple days ago:
Hi Erin,
I’m bob heron. CD at Y&R in Geneva. We don’t have any open posts at the agency at the moment but Marcus has passed your details on to me saying you would be open to talking about a placement here. Give me a call on the number below and we can talk some more
All the best
For a little background, "Marcus" is the CEO of Y&R Geneva that I've been in touch with since Jack and I found out we'd be moving here. The email was a little confusing because I couldn't figure out why they would want to talk about a "placement" if there are no "open posts at the moment." Anyway, I called him and we've arranged a meeting in person for tomorrow, Friday, at 10am in Geneva. God, I hope something comes of this. I'm at my wits end with this job search thing. My self esteem has bottomed out and my optimism is almost non-existent...and all those other fatalistic metaphors. I have no idea what he might tell me. I have a feeling that they're just scouting me out in case they start hiring. I'll have met the whole chain of command if that time ever comes...CEO, CD, CW. So, maybe their idea is that they wouldn't have to waste time collecting resumes and interviewing other people. I could just jump right in. But that's all speculation...I just can't believe that they would waste my time (and train fare) to bring me out there for one of those student-y "Sure, I'll give you some pointers on your book" things. I've had enough of those.
If you're the praying type...I'd appreciate a dedication.