Sep 24, 2008 10:58 life really isn't that interesting still. Cat's okay, ended up not having to take her to the vet because she got over the sniffles all by herself. So yay! No vet bills and healthy cat! ^_^ She's back to annoying me about killing the Evilest Stick There Ever Was and the Receipt of DOOM and whatever bit of trash she likes chasing 'cause heaven-forbid that she play with any of the toys I bought for her...
Still not talking to Mom/Roses. Still sucks. But it's still saving me from suicide, so I keep doing it.
In geekdom news True Blood continues to be totally awesome. I adore the way Bill says Sookie's name all filthy ("Suckie") and the chemistry the two actors actually have. Another person Jason slept with turns up dead, making him look like a serial killer. HBO has already renewed this show for another season and I'm wishing I had DVR (and digital cable...and an HDTV...and how about a million bucks while I'm wishing?) so that I could re-watch episodes to my hearts content...Can't wait for the DVDs, I'll be first in line.
Heroes came back in a huge way. At first I wasn't all that excited as last season (heh, like you could even call it a season) was disappointing. Monday's two (count 'em, TWO) episodes was like a taser to spine. They were AWESOME! All the answers we got led to more questions, of course, but in a really fun way! Apparently Ma Petrelli has been "bizay" as she claims to Sylar's mother...seriously? Sylar? Is she trying to connect to him or is he really her son? There were a lot more reveals that I'm not going to waste time getting into (go read a recap or watch the episodes on-line) but Tim Kring learned last season's lesson and got things off on the right foot by not pussyfooting around and jumping straight into the action and heavy plot. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. That's how the show is supposed to be done. Also, they nailed the visual comic book storytelling in these last two episodes. Some great noir visuals, too. I'm definitely strapped back into the machine. Also, Sendhil (Mohinder) being shirtless and full of animal lust (and injected with powers) had me riveted. Too bad it was Maya that he made the beast with two backs with. I'm guessing it was the sex with Maya and not side effects of the drug he made that is causing him to go all "The Fly" on us. Not the face!
House is back in all its glory. Wilson leaving? Nooooooooooo! But what a sendoff! Wilson grew a spine!
Now just waiting for The Office....
true blood,
the office,