I have taken this directly from where it was originally
posted over in the
adbusters community, by
Take your pick or read 'em all:
- David Corn's Capital Games: Bush: It's About Me and My Crusade
- Unmitigated Gall: The Daily Show nails the theme of the RNC, by Molly Ivins. Great stuff, as always.
- WaPo 1: Kerry Takes Off Gloves, calling Bush "unfit," but of course, Kerry has facts and evidence to back this up as opposed to the Swift Boat Liars.
- WaPo 2: GOP Prism Distorts Some Kerry Positions.Speakers at this week's Republican convention have relentlessly attacked John F. Kerry for statements he has made and votes he has taken in his long political career, but a number of their specific claims -- such as his votes on military programs -- are at best selective and in many cases stripped of their context, according to a review of the documentation provided by the Bush campaign.
It's about time the mainstream started picking up on stuff that other outlets I've been following have picked up on a long time ago.
- New York Times: News Analysis: Bush Offers Bold Strokes, but Few Details in Speech
- ABCNEWS.com: Bush Leaves Out Complex Facts in Speech: In Convention Speech, Bush Leaves Out Some Complex Facts About Iraq Coalition, Terror War
- Today's Mislead: Bush Misleads on Tax Code Complexity
- Yesterday's Daily Howler: ABLE TO DO AND SAY ANYTHING! Zell and Dick made laughable statements. Reason? They know that they can
- Today's Daily Howler: BELLING ZELL! Kessler nails Zell in the Washington Post--but Matthews rolls over on Hardball
- William Saletan over at Slate pens Back to the Future: What Bush would do if he were president. You "will" read this.
- Bush lauds massive voter fraud in Afghanistan, AGAIN. I'm just going to post the whole thing:In Bush's acceptance speech, he AGAIN lauded Afghanistan for registering more people to vote than are actually ELIGIBLE to vote in Afghanistan. In Bush's speech he said:"In Afghanistan, terrorists have done everything they can to intimidate people - yet more than 10 million citizens have registered to vote in the October presidential election-a resounding endorsement of democracy."
As Chris in Paris noted earlier, Bush is right - around 10.35 million people HAVE registered to vote, and more are registering each day, in a country where only 9.8 million are ELIGIBLE to vote.
As Matthew Yglesias rightly notes, that's not an endorsement of democracy, it's an endorsement of voter fraud. But I guess we shouldn't expect a man who won by voter fraud to actually criticize it, or in Bush's case, to even understand that it's wrong.
- Be sure to check out Media Matters' huge compendium of RNC coverage and analysis. It's huge. Big.
- Michael Moore's reporting for the USA Today:
- and Finally, Neal Pollack gives up.
That ought to hold ya over for a while :)