home again home again

Aug 16, 2010 21:45

Back from Maine and exhausted. The trip home did not go quite as smoothly as the trip there. But at least we were not harassed by random policemen in Conneticut (though we did see a motorcyclist attempt to run a car off the road and then SPIT at the driver...lovely state...). Nah, it was just the usual traffic in New Jersey, where the HUGE Turnpike merges down to 2 lanes. Also, it rained so people apparently FREAKED OUT since we haven't had water fall from the sky in ages now. So that added about 2 hours to our trip. But we arrived safe and sound.

I was really exhausted though. It's hard to sleep in a bed that is not your own, and then I wussed out and slept in the same room as my mom (because the upstairs of my grandparent's house is SCARY, OKAY???? It's dark and quiet...too quiet...). I found out that my mother snores...LOUDLY. And AD usually has a fan going when he's asleep and the lack of white noise made me wake up at any sound. But, whatever, it meant I woke up at a semi-decent hour.

The lobster bake went well. This was the first time we just had a private family gathering at their house instead of going to the EJP Company picnic. I liked it though, we got to lounge around a bit more. Less mosquitoes haha. More food too (maybe too much food!). Got to see a lot of that side of the family. Even my cousin Neil, who I don't think I had seen for probably almost 10 years. Crazy!!!!

My grandparents are old. I mean, duh, but they were sorta shuffling along this visit. My grandmother was put on oxygen earlier this year and this was the first time I saw her. She doesn't like it. She kept trying to leave it behind and run off for a few moments to be the hostess (even though she lives in Maine now, she was raised a Southern girl so when she has company she wants to make them welcome). It was sad to see her struggling but she didn't let it get her down. They were both as sharp as ever.

They are an adorable couple. They have a tradition of having an evening drink in the gazebo in the front yard. But it's a bit too far for my grandmother to walk now. So my grandfather waddles out with his walking stick and gets his golf cart and zooms up to the front door to give her a ride, usually with some sort of "hey cutie, need a lift?" comment haha. So adorable. I just hope when I'm that old, I'm still that together upstairs and that AD and I can still poke fun at each other and laugh.

I spent a lot of time looking at old photographs. They took a lot of pictures in their lifetime. Black and white photos always feel like they are from another world. And the faded color images from the 60s-80s make them feel like buried treasures. I guess children of the future won't have that feeling. The photos of their moms and dads will be digitally saved and never age. That would be weird. But anyway, it was so amazing to look at the photos of my grandparents when they were my age, my mother and father at my age, and my aunts and uncles from high school. Heck, I won't lie, I was fascinated by the photos of myself and my little brother as wee little ones. Photos albums are really becoming a lost art - I hardly ever print out photos anymore...(speaking of, my flickr album from the trip is here, if you're so bored inclined)

Anyway, if you've read this far - BRAVO. You made it through an entry of mine that had nothing fandom related! Here is your reward: fandom babbling.

I watched the first episode of Sherlock on Saturday night and I really enjoyed it. I'm excited to watch the next two, but at the same time feel like i should put it off because there are only the 3 episodes! Benedict Cumberbatch (OMG how British is that name??? I mean, if someone named a character in their book that, people would toss it out as ridiculous) is a weird looking dude. Is his face really that pale or do they cake him over with make-up to make his lips the same color as his cheeks? And his eyes are just colorless! My mom said they were also too small for his head. Just...strange looking fellow. But perfect for Sherlock! And Watson? Well, even though I wasn't s a huge fan of the Hollywood version of Hitchhiker's Guide, I like Martin Freeman. And it was nice to see him playing a character that has it together a bit more than Arthur or his Love Actually role. Yes, he is a fine Dr Watson. Very cool twist on the characters. (Also, I want Sherlock's coat).

And NOW someone said that the Jekkyl series is Stephen Moffat too?? I had no idea! It's been in my Netflix queue for AGES. So perhaps I'll watch the rest of Sherlock then switch to that...in between watching the Tenant Doctor Who run...faeriesfolly, I will try to catch up to you while you're at Dragon*Con (which I'm INSANELY jealous about...should have gone to Dragon*Con...so many guests I want to see!....next year...it's awesome every year so next year will be good too...)

tv_shows, vacation

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