So Google maps said the drive from maryland to Maine should be about 9 hours and 45 minutes. We left a little after 7am and got into Gorham around 5:30...but we didn't stop for very long and the speed limit was unofficially 75mph - but i swear I hardly passed anyone on the highway!
We learned an important tidbit while searching for "food" in Conneticut - apparently it's illegal to drive in the left lane unless you are turning. There were no signs stating this but the cop that pupled us over pet us know (and for some weird reason he walked up to my mom instead of me so apparently people cannot even walk on the left side of the car)
Other random moment was on 84 and we were on a bumpy bridge, a truck hit one bump and its front hood flew up! There was no shoulder to pull over and the guy did a great job not swerving into trwffic and kipping us all.
Anyway we are in Maine now. Uncle Tom is rumored to be purchasing 30 lobsters for tomorrow plus clams. The librarian in me wants to go check out the Baxter Memorial Library down the road.
Uncle Mike and Neil are describing some random hiking place in New Mexico, not sure they are supposed to be hiking there.
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